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Rage of Sage Online



Server Info

20x Solo-Exp
25x Party-Exp
15x Drop-Rate
7000x Fairy Growth


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News View

August 21 2016
by [Admin]Rage

Server Online - Patch [Aug 21st, 2016]

Hey players, the server is back online!

Download the following patch if your autopatcher cannot update your client automatically.
Mirror 1: - Patch August 21st, 2016 -
Mirror 2: - Patch August 21st, 2016 -
Mirror 3: - Patch August 21st, 2016 -

Account IP Locks

We have added a new security measure for your account! You can now specify exact IP-addresses that can login to your account!

Any other IP-addresses that log into your account will be unable to enter your character(s) in game

Follow this quick guide on how to get your account using this system!

[Step 1]

Go to the newly designed account page and select "IP Lock" from the drop down menu

[Step 2]

Enter the information requried in order to continue to the next page.
You need:
-Email address on the account
-Security answer on the account
-Security code on the account

[Step 3]

Click the button to add a new IP address.

[Step 4]

Input the IP address you want to authorize for your account and click "Add"

[Step 5]

The IP addresses listed on the Main Page will be the only ones allowed to enter your account. You can edit or delete them as you please.

[Step 6]

All accounts will be given 3 free slots, if you want to expand your slots you can pay 5 imps.

[Step 7]

Ideally, your log page should always look like this. However, if any unauthorized attempts are tried, you will know.


1.) The following bosses have been modified to have a custom drop function
   ~Tier I-IV Boss

Note: When items are dropped by these bosses they will have a "15-second" protection time on them.
2.) The following items have been modified
   ~Fairy Coins stackable to 9000
   ~Elven Signets stackable to 9000
   ~Equipment Stabilizer/Catalyst stackable to 3
   ~All Fairies and Apparels are now undroppable
3.) Fixed the bug that made Tier I-IV bosses and Tower of Terror mobs disappear during the Event Totems.
4.) Relog Penalty has been temporarily reduced from 5 minutes to 2 minutes
5.) Added an "illegal" tweak checker upon starting up your client
6.) Modified game to only start through our launcher or our new shortcut
7.) Modified crusader stun so that it now works on targets with more than 100k hp
8.) Fixed a bug that allowed unauthorized items into Chaos Tundra
9.) Fixed a bug that allowed BD seals to last longer than normal
10.) Command "/count" no longer counts dead bodies
11.) Added player command "/repair" to open up equipment repair
12.) Removed all Guilds with less than 10 members

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