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September 29 2018by [Admin]Rage
Update Log [Sep 29th, 2018]

Hey players,
We have applied a new patch on September 29th, 2018.
Download the following patch if your auto patcher cannot update your client automatically.
[Update #1] All Terror Capes are now trade-able
[Update #2] Offline stalls will now auto-close after 5 days
[Update #3] Added asteroid spots near the gates of Thundoria Castle. Increased the amounts of asteroids in Argent, Shaitan, and Icicle City
[Update #4] Added a Nurse NPC near FC/DS portals

[Update #5] Added a "Trait Sealing Tablet"
Effect: Removes trait from awakened equipment.
[Step 1]: Head to an upgrader with your awakened equipment

[Step 2]: Your awakened equipment has now returned to its normal state.

Available for purchase in the Item Shop's Miscellaneous tab for 2,500 IMPs.
Note1: You will not get the augment/awakening items back.
Note2: Apparels will be kept during this process
Note3: By sealing the awakened equipment, the class restriction is removed.
Note4: You can awaken the item again if you chose too
[Update #6] Stealth will be disabled after the portal closes in the following maps: Chaos Argent, Chaos Tundra, Bounty Hunter PK
[Update #7] Updated the description of some items
[Update #8] Fixed an issue where players could enter invalid areas inside of Chaos Shaitan
[Update #9] Fixed an issue where some players would receive the error "Connection timed out" when logging in
We have applied a new patch on September 29th, 2018.
Download the following patch if your auto patcher cannot update your client automatically.
Patch Sep 29th, 2018 | |
Mirror | Link |
ROSO Patch | |
Dropbox | |
Google Drive | |
Update Details
[Update #1] All Terror Capes are now trade-able
[Update #2] Offline stalls will now auto-close after 5 days
[Update #3] Added asteroid spots near the gates of Thundoria Castle. Increased the amounts of asteroids in Argent, Shaitan, and Icicle City
[Update #4] Added a Nurse NPC near FC/DS portals

[Update #5] Added a "Trait Sealing Tablet"

Effect: Removes trait from awakened equipment.
[Step 1]: Head to an upgrader with your awakened equipment

[Step 2]: Your awakened equipment has now returned to its normal state.

Available for purchase in the Item Shop's Miscellaneous tab for 2,500 IMPs.
Note1: You will not get the augment/awakening items back.
Note2: Apparels will be kept during this process
Note3: By sealing the awakened equipment, the class restriction is removed.
Note4: You can awaken the item again if you chose too
[Update #6] Stealth will be disabled after the portal closes in the following maps: Chaos Argent, Chaos Tundra, Bounty Hunter PK
[Update #7] Updated the description of some items
[Update #8] Fixed an issue where players could enter invalid areas inside of Chaos Shaitan
[Update #9] Fixed an issue where some players would receive the error "Connection timed out" when logging in