

Note: Not all translations may be 100% accurate.

ROSO Game Guide

Welcome to our Game Guide! These guide(s) were made in order to help you out in your journey through ROSO!

For more information about any item(s) or monster(s) in our server, check out our Game Database

Note: You can hover your mouse over any icon for more details about that item.

Last Update on: June 12th, 2018



Decathlon is the newest weekly event to hit ROSO!


Many of you may know of the quest "Hexathlon" from original ToP. Decathlon is our own version of it, but with 10 quests instead of 6!


-Every Monday and Saturday 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
-Every Wednesday and Friday 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM


30x Wood15x Iron Ore20x Sashimi40x Kal Runestone30x Elven Signet15x May Day Card

You might want to prepare these items in advance before you start the quests. Decathlon only lasts for an hour so you'll be in too much of a hurry to look for these items during the quest!


First you start off obtaining the quest from Event NPC - Pappa

Event NPC Pappa
Argent City (2222,2768)Event NPC

You will be given an item to give to Shaitan Chairman - Guile

Shaitan Chairman - Guile
Shaitan City (873,3545)NPC

After you have completed that quest, talk to Guile once again and he will give you the next task which is to obtain 10x Feline Soul Grass (Can be bought via Physician Ditto in Argent City)


Physician Ditto
Argent City (2250,2770)NPC

Once you have obtained your Feline Soul Grass, head over to Assitant - Rouri

Assistant - Rouri
Argent City (2240,2752)NPC

Once you have completed that quest, talk to Rouri once again and she will give you one of the following quests

Lv1-135 : Kill 20x Zefoo Men in Dream Island

Lv135+ : Kill 20x Pirate 007 in Autumn

The THIRD (Lv1-135)The THIRD (Lv135+)

Once you have completed your respective quests, you will need to visit Rouri one last time and she will give you your next quest.

Your next task will be to collect 30x Wood, 15x Iron Ore, and 20x Sashimi


Wood can be found in the Wood Cutting Map

Iron Ore can be found by mining ores in Icicle City

Sashimi can be found by fishing in the sea

Once you've obtained your items, head over to Greg in Abandon Mine Haven

Abandon Mine Haven (1883,2805)NPC

Talk to Greg again to obtain the next task.


You'll need to obtain 40x Kal Runestone. You can obtain them from mobs in Demonic World 2.

After you have obtained your Kals, visit Forbei

Argent City (2226,2726)NPC

Once you've turned in your kals, Forbei will give you the next task


You'll to get some companions!

You'll need somebody Lv20-70, Lv71-115, and Lv115+

Then you can turn in your quest to Icicle Swordsman - Ray

Icicle Swordsman - Ray
Icicle City (1365,570)NPC

After you've turned in that quest, you'll be given your next task which is to obtain 15x May Day Cards and give them to Argent Secretary - Salvier


Argent Secretary - Salvier
Argent City (2219,2749)NPC

Once you've turned that in, speak to Salvier once again and he will give you your next task

Lv1-135 : Kill 20x Pumpkin Knights found in Silver Mines

Lv135+ : Kill 20x Skeletar Pirate - Tutu found in Skeletar Isle

The EIGHT (Lv1-135)The EIGHT (Lv135+)

Almost done..! Once you've completed your mob kills, speak to Salvier for the last time so he will give you your next quest.

The next task is easy, simply visit Linda in Solace Haven

Solace Haven (515,2437)NPC

After you've met with her, she will give you the final task, the DEKA


You'll need to obtain 30x Elven Signets and give them to Allan in Babul Haven

Accessory - Allan
Babul Haven (1226,3183)NPC

Turn in the quest and you'll be done!

Note1: You'll be rewarded a 1% exp scroll for every task you complete for a total of 10x 1% exp scrolls. Once you've completed all 10 tasks you'll obtain 300m + a 5% exp scroll.

Note2: You can do this quest as many times as possible within the time limit. Simply re-visit pappa once your done to restart.