

Note: Not all translations may be 100% accurate.

ROSO Game Guide

Welcome to our Game Guide! These guide(s) were made in order to help you out in your journey through ROSO!

For more information about any item(s) or monster(s) in our server, check out our Game Database

Note: You can hover your mouse over any icon for more details about that item.

Last Update on: June 12th, 2018

Item Awakenings

Item Awakenings

Awakening is a powerful tool that can unlock the hidden traits of equipment and then they can undergo augmenting to increase their stats.


As of right now, only Fearless Set, Upgraded Rage/Sage Set and (Fusable)VIP Set can be awakened.

Fearless SetUpgraded Rage Set
Upgraded Sage Set(Fusable)VIP Set
sageglo.pngsageboo.png vipglo.png vipboo.png


Traits are the prefixes for awakened equipment. There is a trait for each of the 7 classes.

Trait 'Agile'Trait 'Divined'Trait 'Hardened'Trait 'Shrouded'
Trait 'Holy'Trait 'Abyss'Trait 'Tycoon'

You can awaken the trait in your equipment by upgrading it with a Trait book.

Note1: The traits are trade-able.
Note2: You can obtain traits from the bosses in Abaddon. Check out our game guide for more info about Abaddon.
Note3: Abyss Lords will guarentee a trait drop for their class when defeated.
Note4: When awakening your equipment with Traits, it will become locked to that class.


Once you've obtained a Trait, you can visit any upgrader and you'll need to place the equipment along with the trait you want

Your equipment is now awakened! You can verify this by seeing the trait as a pre-fix for your equipment. All you need to do now is work on augmenting it and you will be able to gain new stats!


Note1: Awakening a fused apparel, will keep the apparel during this process.
Note2: You can use the command /upgrade to bring the upgrade window up.
Note3: Fused awakened equipment CANNOT be fissioned.


Other than the stat bonuses you'll gain during Augmenting, Awakened equipment by themselves grant some awesome bonus effects depending on how many pieces of awakened equipment you are wearing.

1 Awakened Item~Awaken Glow
~Deal 3% more damage
2 Awakened Items~Awaken Glow
~Deal 5% more damage
~Forge rates are always 100%
3 Awakened Items~Awaken Glow
~Deal 8% more damage
~Forge rates are always 100%
~Combine rates are always 100%

Note1: You must be wearing the awakened items in order for the bonus to take place.
Note2: The damage buff will effect magical attacks for magic classes
Note3: The damage buff will not show your stats increased through the stats window. It is applied to the formula calculated that shows the damage done to an enemy/mob. To view it in effect, use the player command "/buff"