

Note: Not all translations may be 100% accurate.

ROSO Game Guide

Welcome to our Game Guide! These guide(s) were made in order to help you out in your journey through ROSO!

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Note: You can hover your mouse over any icon for more details about that item.

Last Update on: June 12th, 2018


Where to get Gems

There are different locations that you can get gems ingame.

Name of GemLocation
BD SoulWoodcutting Isle/Kyjj 2
BD EyeWoodcutting Isle/Kyjj 2
BD HeartWoodcutting Isle/Kyjj 2
Ex Soul>Kyjj 3
Ex EyeKyjj 3
Ex HeartKyjj 3
Gem Of SoulBlacksmith's Gem Seller
ColoBlacksmith's Gem Seller
RageBlacksmith's Gem Seller
StrikeBlacksmith's Gem Seller
Bing's DodgingBlacksmith's Gem Seller
Lock's HitBlacksmith's Gem Seller
JadesBlacksmith's Gem Seller
Cracked GemsTundra Path
Chipped GemsROSO Coin Exchanger
Chipped GemsFC/DS Exchanger
Azrael GemsAwardCenter/Mall/Reputation Exchanger
SORO/ROSO GemsCA/BH/Arena1 & Kyjj2 Chests

Lv3 BD Gems can also be obtained in Tundra Path
Kyjj Arenas can be found on Shaitan City, North West Corner
* BD = Black Dragon
* Ex = Excruciating Dragon
* Kyjj Arena is a PK Map

Gem Stats

Gems gives give different stats and can be forged in different equipment

  • ++CON Gem of Colossus/Undead Azrael
  • ++STR Gem of Rage/Azrael's Glare
  • ++AGI Gem of Wind/Azrael's Dance
  • ++SPR Gem of Soul/Azrael's Light
  • ++ACC Gem of Striking/Azrael's Aggregation
  • ROSO Gem is for caps only
  • SORO Gem is for boots only
  • RMG/SMG are for gloves only
Gem TypeGem Stat Add
Cracked Gems+3
Chipped Gems+4
Normal Gems+5
Azrael Gems+8
ROSO Gem+45 Attack Speed
SORO Gem+40 Movement Speed
Rage Master Gem+300 Max Attack
Sage Master Gem+15 SPR

Gem Arrangement/Optional Setup

Below is a sample guide to maximize your character's potential

BD Gems are recommended for beginners while Ex Gems are recommended for the wealthy.

Chipped Gems are expensive. Cracked gems are recommended for beginners.

SMG/Sage Master Gems and RMG/Rage Master Gems are very expensive, I recommend to use chipped gems.

Merchant class is still new. There are many combinations because of its ACC+STR+SPR class.

ClassEquipment1st Slot2nd Slot3rd Slot
Seal Master Armor Chipped ColoColoUndead
Boots SPR GemSORO GemBD/Ex Heart
Gloves BD/Ex HeartGem of SoulChipped Soul/SMG
Staff Chipped SoulGem of SoulLight
Cap Yellow JadeColoBD/Ex Soul
Sharpshooter Armor Chipped ColoColoUndead
Boots DanceSORO GemBD/Ex Heart
Gloves Gem of StrikingAggregationChipped Strike/RMG
Bow/Gun Gem of StrikingAggregationBD/Ex Eye
Cap ROSO GemColoBD/Ex Soul
Crusader Armor Chipped ColoColoUndead
Boots Bing's DodgingSORO GemDance
Gloves Lock's HitAggregationBD/Ex Heart/RMG
Swords Chipped RageGem of RageGlare
Cap ROSO GemColoBD/Ex Soul
Champ Armor Chipped ColoColoUndead
Boots Gem of WindDanceSORO Gem
Gloves Lock's HitAggregationBD/Ex Heart/RMG
Weapon Chipped RageGem of RageGlare
Cap ROSO GemColoBD/Ex Soul
Cleric/Voyager Armor Chipped ColoColoUndead
Boots SPR GemSORO GemBD/Ex Heart
Gloves BD/Ex HeartGem of SoulChipped Soul/SMG
Staff/Dagger Chipped SoulGem of SoulLight
Cap Green/Yellow JadeColoBD/Ex Soul
Merchant(untested!) Armor Chipped Colo/Az LightColoUndead
Boots Bing's DodgingSORO GemDance
Gloves AggregationGem of Soul/SMGGem of Striking/RMG
Swords Chipped Rage/AggregationGem of RageGlare
Cap ROSO GemColoBD/Ex Soul