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Rage of Sage Online



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20x Solo-Exp
25x Party-Exp
15x Drop-Rate
7000x Fairy Growth


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News View

December 22 2014
by [Admin]Rage

Holiday Bonanaza!

Happy Holidays to everybody! We are very grateful to all of our players that we are able to celebrate our 3rd Christmas in ROSO!

Dark Matter Restocked!

We have restocked the Dark Matter items in our item mall!

There are 60 of each Dark Matter Key in stock!
There are 15 Dark Matter Chest's in stock!

Buy them fast before they run out!

Note: For more information on the Dark Matter Equipment visit this link

Holiday Sale!

Event 1:

Duration: December 23rd, 2014 - January 4th, 2015

Purchase any amount of Item Mall Points during this time, and get them doubled!

Event 2:

Any purchase of IMPs between $50 - $99 will obtain 3x Holiday Pack + An additional 10 IMPs
Any purchase of IMPs between $100 - $149 will obtain 5x Holiday Packs + An additional 15 IMPs
Any purchase of IMPs between $150 - $199 will obtain 8x Holiday Packs + An additional 20 IMPs
Any purchase of IMPs equal to $200 will obtain 12x Holiday Packs + An additional 30 IMPs

1 Holiday Packs Contains : [3x RMGs | 3x SMGs | 5x Hydros Fruits | 1x Lv5 ExBD Heart| 1x Lv5 ExBD Soul| 1x Lv5 ExBD Eye]

Note*: This means that 1 transaction must equal that amount. System will not count how many IMPs you purchased total.

Event 3:

If you purchase any of the following amounts on Thursday December 25th, 2014 you can get 25% more Item Mall Points!
PurchaseBonusIMPs Delivered
50 x 2 = 100100 x 25% + 10 = 35135 IMPS
100 x 2 = 200200 x 25% + 15 = 65265 IMPS
150 x 2 = 300300 x 25% + 20 = 95395 IMPS
200 x 2 = 400400 x 25% + 30 = 130530 IMPS

Event 3 (Part 2):

If you purchase any of the following amounts on Thursday January 1st, 2015 you can get 20% more Item Mall Points!
PurchaseBonusIMPs Delivered
50 x 2 = 100100 x 20% + 10 = 30130 IMPS
100 x 2 = 200200 x 20% + 15 = 55255 IMPS
150 x 2 = 300300 x 20% + 20 = 80380 IMPS
200 x 2 = 400400 x 20% + 30 = 110520 IMPS

Event 4: (Updated)

The player who purchases the most points during this event will get a Lv150 weapon for their class + 1x Dark Matter Chest + Lv8 RMG/SMG
The player who purchases the second most points during this event will get 65x Hydros Fruits + 2x Dark Matter Ring Keys + Lv6 RMG/SMG
The player who purchases the third most points during this event will get 40x Hydros Fruits + 1x Dark Matter Ring Key + Lv4 RMG/SMG

Event 5*:

Purchase a single package of $200 IMPs and gain a bonus VIP Set Chest + 1x VIP Cube Scribe

Note*: Offer is limited to 1 per account
Note**: By purchasing this package you will gain 430(530 During Event 3) IMPs , VIP Set, VIP Cube Scribe and 12x Holiday Packs
Note***: Offer is exclusive to paypal only
Note****: Offer is valid during the period of Event 3

Very Important Packages!

Duration: December 23rd, 2014 - January 4th, 2015

Package 1: VIP Chest + 1x VIP Cube Scribe for $120
Package 2: 2x VIP Chests for $200
Package 3: VIP Chest + 80x Hydros Fruits for $200
Package 4: VIP Chest + 1x Pouch of Melancholy for $220
Package 5: 80x Hydros Fruits for $100
Package 6: 1x Pouch of Melancholy for $130
Package 7: VIP Chest + VIP Cube Scribe + 4th Rebirth Stone + Pouch of Melancholy + Character Lv Up Card(150) + Pet Lv Up Card(175) + Dark Matter Chest for $400

Note*: You do not get IMPs when you pay for VIP set.
Note**: Pouch of melancholy gives you Hydros Weapons(Lv150) for your class
Note***: Upon purchasing any of the VIP packages, they will automatically be delivered to your storage box.

Reputation Exchange (Updated)

Duration: December 23rd, 2014 - January 4th, 2015
Reputation to credits exchange rate will be changed from [1500 rep : 1 credit] to [1000 rep : to 1 credit]
Credits to reputation exchange rate will be changed from [750 credits : 1 rep] to [500 credits : 1 rep]

The player who exchanges the most credits during this event will get 30x Hydros Fruits + 10x 1 Billion Notes
The player who exchanges the second most credits during this event will get 20x Hydros Fruits + 5x 1 Billion Notes
The player who exchanges the third most credits during this event will get 10x Hydros Fruits + 3x 1 Billion Notes

Online for Credits

Duration: December 23rd, 2014 - January 2nd, 2015
All exchange amounts are tripled!
HoursOriginal AmountNew Amount
1 Hour5 Credits15 Credits
6 Hours30 Credits90 Credits
12 Hours60 Credits240 Credits
24 Hours120 Credits360 Credits

Award Center Sale

Time period: December 24th, 2014 1:00 PM GMT-5

The following items can be bought from the award center in the AC Sale tab

Rage Set Chest : 25,000 Credits
Sage Set Chest : 25,000 Credits
Rage Master Gem : 10,000 Credits
Sage Master Gem : 10,000 Credits
Fearless Apparel : 20,000 Credits
Dark Matter Chest : 400,000 Credits
Pouch of Melancholy : 500,000 Credits
VIP Chest : 700,000 Credits

The quota limit for each will be
Rage/Sage Chests 25x Each
RMG/SMG 25x Each
Fearless Apparel 20x
Dark Matter Chest 15x
Pouch of Melancholy 3x
VIP Chest 3x

The rules:
-Each account can only purchase 1 item. Meaning if you purchase a Rage Master Gem, you can not purchase the other items!
-Each IP will be recorded so that players do not log alt accounts to purchase them!
-You can not Gift these items
-You can only start to buy the items once the count down is 00:00:00

Note: Anybody who attempts to abuse this will get banned
Note*: The items in the sale will be removed at December 27th, 2014 11:59 PM GMT-4 , so purchase them before then!


Duration: December 23rd, 2014 - December 28th, 2014

Items have been added back to auctions

Christmas Wish

Duration: Tuesday December 23rd, 2014 - Wednesday December 24th, 2014
All you have to do is post on our Facebook page what you wish for Christmas! We will be picking 20 random players and granting them their wish.

Please follow the following format:
Merry Christmas to all! I would like _________ for Christmas!
My character is :______

The winners names will be posted on our Facebook page and your prizes will be delivered to your storage box!

Note*: Only reasonable requests will be granted
Note**: Your post MUST be in the format specified above.

On our Facebook wall there is a post that says "Reply here for the Christmas Wish Event!" Please reply there!
Alejandro Balderas Merry Christmas to all! I would like VIP set fused and 175 str pet for Chritmas! Niss*
Hafiz Majdi Merry Christmas to all ! member partner and GM. Hope you all in Pink ! i WISH to get VIP Set and dark Acc. Thanks to all. I LOVE ROSO. Mat God blessed you all always. thanks again. Merry x-Mas . Karmine
Alex Ardelean Merry Christmas to all!!!! I would have a vip set or lv 175 acc pet *[(Ale)]*
Joao Paulo Silva Merry Christmas to all! I would like Vip set chest and hydros fruits x40 for Christmas! -Near-
Edd Beloved Merry Christmas to all! I would like Vip Set Up and Hydros gun for Christmas! LetalShot
Alexander Lugo Merry Christmas to all! I would like to have Pet Str Lv 175 for Christmas! SwS
Benyer Linarez Molina Merry Christmas to all! I would like hydros swords champion+27chipped and dark chest for Christmas!JustThundra
Aries Cruz Merry Christmas to all! I would like to have Rage Gun and Rage Helm Fusable any + and Rage Set STone 3x and pet Accuracy Level 120 or Level150 for Christmas! Reapers
Beiker Teran Molina Merry Christmas to all! I would like lv126con and lv175str pet for Christmas! Shadowpain
Jean F Bertoli M Merry Christmas to all! I would like to have Vip Set for Christmas! ­¤DDarkGod
Andres Alvarezz Merry Christmas to all! I would like Vip Set and Hydros Swords champ clean, thank you!ThunderStorm
Zhi Yang Cheong Merry Christmas to all ! I would like to have VIP set for Christmas!LiMe
Evandro Murilo Merry Christmas to all! I would like a Vip Set Fused for Christmas!HatMi
Hussain Jassim Merry Christmas to all! I would like a LVL 8 RMG for Christmas! Envyus
Bêshø Bàshár Merry Christmas to all! I would like a dark matter chest for Christmas! - Deadly-Impact~
Jesús Alejandro Rivero Molina Merry Christmas to all! I would like VIP SET FUSED CLEAN for Christmas! Rebelion
Aurelia Cornelita Merry Christmas to all! I would like dark master chest for Christmas! [Melody]
Jürgen Reiter Merry Christmas to all! I would like a lvl 175 str pet and hyrdos swords for Christmas! Juergn
Marco Kapaunig Merry Christmas to all! I would like x2 Impr archer 1-9 & lv 1-6 rmg for Christmas! ~Wupsy
Gonzalo Carita Arevalo Merry Christmas to all!!!!! I would like Vip Set Fused for Christmas! Fuzzy~

Vote for Credits

Duration: December 23rd, 2014 - January 4th, 2015

You will now obtain 140 credits from each successful vote instead of 85

Bonus voting rewards on sunday will randomly be 5 or 6 times the amount instead of 3 or 4 times

Evil Santa Invasion

Time period: Wednesday December 24th, 2014 at 7:00 PM (GMT-5)

Evil Santa is breaking out of Reverse Christmas Village and he is bringing an army along with other bosses to Shaitan Gates!
Once the bosses have been defeated, they will not respawn, however the mobs will be available until Friday December 26th 2014

Stay online to win!

Time period Event 1: Thursday December 25th, 2014 (All Day)
Time period Event 2: Thursday January 1st, 2015 (All Day)

Event 1:

If you are online on Christmas day, the game will randomly be giving out prizes to all characters that are online. The more characters that are online, the better the prizes are!

Event 2:

If you are online on New Years Day, the game will randomly be giving out prizes to all characters that are online. The more characters that are online, the better the prizes are!

Christmas Wheel Weekend

Duration: December 26th, 2014 12:00 AM (GMT-5) - December 28th, 2014 11:59 PM (GMT-5)

Event 1:

During this time period lady lucky has decided to give you all a FREE SPIN on any of the lottery wheels.

For every 10,000 credits spent on the credit wheel(10 spins) you gain a chance at 1 Free Spin*!
For every 5 imps spent on the points wheel(5 spins) you gain a chance at 1 Free Spin*!

Note*: You can obtain as many free spins as possible during this time period. Spin the credit wheel 50 times, you get 5 free spins! Spin the points wheel 50 times, you get 10 free spins!
Note**: The points and credit wheel will function as normal until the date mentioned above. The page will show a message once the event has started

Event 2: (Updated)

The player who obtains the most Credit Free Spins during this event will get 10x Hydros Fruits
The player who obtains the second most Credit Free Spins during this event will get 7x Hydros Fruits
The player who obtains the third most Credit Free Spins during this event will get 3x Hydros Fruits

The player who obtains the most Points Free Spins during this event will get 30x Hydros Fruits
The player who obtains the second most Points Free Spins during this event will get 20x Hydros Fruits
The player who obtains the third most Points Free Spins during this event will get 10x Hydros Fruits
2ndanne***, suntdinsana*****

12 Days of Christmas Event

Duration: December 25th, 2014 - January 5th, 2015


12 Days of Christmas Event is a new event to ROSO. The event basically gives out a different prize on each of the 12 days of christmas (Dec 25th-Jan 5th). You get the prize for that day and the prizes of the days prior. Ex: 4th Day of Christmas will obtain prizes from Day 1-4 and so on. In order to be able to get the prize for that day, you need [Candy Canes]. You can obtain [Candy Canes] by exchanging [Christmas Greeting Cards] at the Mini Christmas Trees.


The prizes that you can obtain and the amount of Candy Canes you need to obatain the prize from each day during the 12 days of christmas are listed below.
DayPrizeCandy Cane Amount
1st Day of ChristmasKylin Card(3x)3x Candy Canes
2nd Day of ChristmasFlash Bomb Lv1 (3x) + 1st Day Prize6x Candy Canes
3rd Day of ChristmasBuff Note(10x)+ 2nd Day Prize9x Candy Canes
4th Day of ChristmasGyoza(5x)+ 3rd Day Prize12x Candy Canes
5th Day of ChristmasBBQ Shark Fin(3x)+ 4th Day Prize15x Candy Canes
6th Day of ChristmasHeart of Reborn(1x)+ 5th Day Prize18x Candy Canes
7th Day of ChristmasBlessed Potion(3x)+ 6th Day Prize21x Candy Canes
8th Day of ChristmasROSO Chest(5x)+ 7th Day Prize24x Candy Canes
9th Day of ChristmasSOSO Chest(10x)+ 8th Day Prize27x Candy Canes
10th Day of ChristmasFearless Ring(2x)+ 9th Day Prize30x Candy Canes
11th Day of ChristmasHydros Fruit(1x)+ 10th Day Prize33x Candy Canes
12th Day of ChristmasItem Transfer Letter(1x)+ 11th Day Prize36x Candy Canes
Note: Each character can only obtain a prize once per day
Event Idea by [GM]Rage
Prize List by [GM]Elixir

Q & A Event

There will be 10x Rounds of Q & A (They will be TOP/ROSO Related)
Time Period: Friday December 26th, 2014 at 6:00 PM (GMT-5)
- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- Players will need to respect the choice the staff makes make in selecting the winners.
- Capitalization and spelling must be EXACT
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules, and their account may end up with a 48 hour ban.
Note*: Click "Prize List" for the prizes you may obtain during this event

Hide & Seek

There will be 10x Rounds of Hide & Seek
Time Period: Monday December 29th , 2014 at 4:00 PM (GMT-5)
- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- Players will need to respect the choice the staff makes in selecting the winners.
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules, and their account may end up with a 48 hour ban.
Note*: Click "Prize List" for the prizes you may obtain during this event

Word Un-Scramble

There will be 10x Rounds of Word Un-Scramble (Ex: I say in system "iOnnel fo geSa aReg " first person to say "Rage of Sage Online" will win)
Time Period: Wednesday December 31st, 2014 at 4:00 PM (GMT-5)

- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- Players will need to respect the choice the staff makes in selecting the winners.
- Capitalization and spelling must be EXACT
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules, and their account may end up with a 48 hour ban.
Note*: Click "Prize List" for the prizes you may obtain during this event

Fetch Quests

There will be 10x Rounds of Fetch Quests
I will write in system an item (or items) and the first one to get it and trade it to me will win.
Time Period: Thursday January 1st, 2015 at 4:00 PM (GMT-5)

- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- Players will need to respect the choice the staff makes in selecting the winners.
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules, and their account may end up with a 48 hour ban.
Note*: Click "Prize List" for the prizes you may obtain during this event

Drop Event

Time Period: Friday December 26th, 2014 - Thursday January 1st, 2015 after each of the events mentioned above
The following items will be dropped around Christmas Village Christmas Tree
-30x Azrael Chests
-30x 100mil Notes
-10x 1-Billion Notes
-10x 200k Reputation Cards
-5x Hydros Fruits
-2x RMG Chests
-2x SMG Chests
-2x Marriage Chest
-1x Fourth RB Chest
-1x Rage Set Chests
-1x Sage Set Chests

Thanks you and Happy Holidays!!

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