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Rage of Sage Online



Server Info

20x Solo-Exp
25x Party-Exp
15x Drop-Rate
7000x Fairy Growth


Note: Not all translations may be 100% accurate.


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News View

February 17 2015
by [Admin]Rage

Server Online - Patch [Feb 17th, 2015]

Hey guys, server is back online!

Download the following patch if your autopatcher cannot update your client automatically
- Patch February 17th, 2015 -

Tower of Terror

This is a brand new map! This map has been in development for a while and it is finally complete!

You can enter Tower of Terror by going to the Tower Administrator located in Shaitan City (918,3572)

[Entrance Rules]

In order to attempt the [Tower of Terror] instance, you must be in a party with 3 or more players. There are 6 Rules that all teams must abide by before they are allowed entry.
-1st Rule: No more than 2 players with the same class in a team.
-2nd Rule: All team members must be in Shaitan when trying the instance.
-3rd Rule: All team members need to be in their second job advancement.
-4th Rule: All team members must be within 15 levels of each other.
-5th Rule: All team members must have enough entry attempts to participate.
-6th Rule: All team members must be in the same Gem Range on equipment to be able to enter.
Once a team has abided by all 6 rules they will be allowed entry if there is a room available. There are 30 different rooms available, each named Tower-R1 through Tower-R30. Your team will automatically be placed in the next available room.
Entry Attempts
Every player has 10 entry attempts per day. Your entry attempts will decrease by one every time you enter the map(Does not matter if you win or clear it. Once you enter the map an entry attempt will be taken). Once you have 0 entry attempts left, you will be unable to enter the map until the next day.
Gem Range
Players will be sorted into 3 Gem Range Groups.

[Gem Range 1]: 0-100
[Gem Range 2]: 101-149
[Gem Range 3]: 150+

To find out your gem range, take the total "+" of your Hat, Armor, Gloves, Boots, and Weapons. If you are not a dual weapon class, count your weapon's "+" twice.

Ex(Non-dual weapon): A player with Hat +15, Armor +15, Glove +15, Boots +15, Gun +15*2 = 90, so the player would be placed in Gem Range 1.
Ex(Dual weapon): A player with Hat +15, Armor +15, Glove +15, Boots +15, Weapon 1+15, Weapon 2 +15 = 90, so the player would be placed in Gem Range 1.

[Instance Information]

Once you have entered each team will be spawned to one of the 4 locations in the map. From there a countdown will start and once the countdown has ended, you will have 180 secs(3mins) to kill all the mobs in the floor. There are 25 Floors Total. The number of mobs increase per floor lv. (FloorLv * 4 = Number of Mobs)

Once entered there are the following will apply
-Players will not obtain Sage Master buffs while being attacked in [Tower of Terror]
-Players will not obtain Sage/Rage Master damage bonuses while attacking mobs in [Tower of Terror]
-Players will be unable to use tickets, master tele, and love line skill while inside of the [Tower of Terror]
-Revival skill will not work in [Tower of Terror]
-Magic classes damage will be boosted when using (Spiritual Bolt, Conch Ray, Lightning Bolt) while inside of the [Tower of Terror]
-Players HP will be recorded at the end of each Floor. You will be unable to gain HP more than what was recored. (Ex: On clearing Floor 1, your current HP is [40k/60k]. On the next Floor you will be unable to gain more than 40k HP.) The only way to "heal" would be to enter a healing zone. Will recover 30% of yor max HP. Can be used once per floor. There are 2 Healing Zones. One located at (90,17) and another at (15,85)

Each floor will start off with 180 secs(3mins). You can gain extra time by clearing the floor in the fastest time possible. The time left after a round is cleared will be calulated and added to the next floor (Start Time - Time To Clear) / 2.5 = Num secs added to next floor time. [Ex: Complete Floor 1 in 30 secs. (180-30)/2.5 = 60. 60 + 180 = 240 secs(4mins) will be your start time in Floor 2]. The max amount of time a Floor can gain is 480 secs (8mins)

There are a few ways to get kicked out of the map
-Team Amount changes after entering map. (Either loosing or gaining a team member)
-A player in a team dies or gets disconnected, entire team will be removed.

In order to leave the map if your team no longer wishes to participate, all team members must stand on top of the Exit Area (Located 105,64).

[Monster Information]

This is where this map outshines all others.

The number of monsters per Floor can be calulated (FloorLv * 4 = Number of Mobs) (Ex: Floor 3 * 4 = 12 mobs).

The monsters stats are calulated based on the stats of the players in the team. (Ex: Players in Gem Range 3 will have mobs with higher stats than players in Gem Range 2 or 1). The Gem Ranges do not define the monster stats, it is just to get players within the same range to work together. What I mean is, even if 2 Teams enter and they are both in [Gem Range 2], Team A could still have mob stats higher than Team B.
The monsters stats can change depending on the classes in the team or the number of players in the team.

This is important to remember. Mobs stats will be re-calculated after each floor. This means if you start Floor 1 and use any pot that alters your stats, the stats of the mobs on Floor 2 will increase whether the pot's effect is still effective or not. (Ex: Use buff note after entering the map on Floor 1, will increase the mob stats from Floor 2+.) The mob stats will not go back down.

[Rewards Inquiry]

The rewards for doing [Tower of Terror] are Terror Chests. Terror Chests are catorgized in 3 classes (Novice, Standard, Expert)
For every 5 Floor your team completes, you get a 60% Chance to get a Novice Terror Chest and a 40% chance to get a Standard Terror Chest. If you complete Floor 25, you will obtain an Expert Terror Chest.
Novice Terror ChestStandard Terror ChestExpert Terror Chest
-60% Chance for a random amount between (3-5) of Cape Unseal Crystals-60% Chance for a random amount between (6-10) of Cape Unseal Crystals-75% Chance for a random amount between (15-30) of Cape Unseal Crystals
-7.5% Chance for a random amount between (1-3) of 1 IGShop Crystal -4% Chance for a random amount between (1-2) of 5 IGShop Crystal-10% Chance for another Expert Terror Chest
-7.5% Chance for a random amount between (1-3) of 5 IGShop Crystals-3% Chance for a random amount between (1-2) of 10 IGShop Crystals-5% Chance for a random amount between (1-3) of 10 IGShop Crystals
-15% Chance for another Novice Terror Chest -3% Chance for a random amount between (1-2) of 50 IGShop Crystals -5% Chance for a random amount between (1-3) of 50 IGShop Crystals
-10% Chance for a Standard Terror Chest -20% Chance for another Standard Terror Chest-5% Chance for a random amount between (1-3) of 100 IGShop Crystals
--10% Chance for an Expert Terror Chest-

Cape Unseal Crystals are used in order to obtain Terror Capes and Upgrade them.
Note: Terror Chests are Tradeable

[Terror Capes]

Terror capes are new equipment items.

The stats the cape give are determined by the cape's lv.
3 * CapeLv = Stats Gained

The max CapeLv is 7.

There are 3 ranges of titles for the Capes.

In order to obtain a terror cape, you must first obtain a Terrorized Cape for 50x Cape Unseal Crystals. Once you have the Terrorized Cape you can upgrade it to a Lv1 Terror Cape

-50x Cape Unseal CrystalsTerrorized Cape
Terrorized Cape100x Cape Unseal CrystalsLv1 Terror Cape
Lv1 Terror Cape200x Cape Unseal CrystalsLv2 Terror Cape
Lv2 Terror Cape300x Cape Unseal CrystalsLv3 Terror Cape
Lv3 Terror Cape400x Cape Unseal CrystalsLv4 Terror Cape
Lv4 Terror Cape500x Cape Unseal CrystalsLv5 Terror Cape
Lv5 Terror Cape600x Cape Unseal CrystalsLv6 Terror Cape
Lv6 Terror Cape700x Cape Unseal CrystalsLv7 Terror Cape

Note: Terrorized Capes are tradeable. Terror Capes are NOT tradeable. Once you have a Terror Cape in your inventory they cannot be moved to another character.
Note: All of this information is available from the Tower Administrator NPC

Player Commands

Players now have the following commands they may use in game
/bank - Opens player bank anywhere
/rules - Displays the server's rules
/help or /? - Displays all of the player commands
/decombine* - Decombines the gem place on 4th inv slot
/forge - Opens Forging Window
/fusion - Opens Apparel Fusion Window
/upgrade - Opens Apparel Upgrade Window
/socket - Opens Socket Window
/combine - Opens Gem Combine Window
/fission - Fissions the apparel on 4th inv slot
/quest - Shows the status of your quest

The commands will only work once you type them in local chat. Typing them in others (Party, Guild, World, Trade) will not work.

Note*: The decombine command is new. You must place the gem (Lv2-9) on your 4th inventory slot. You must have a LvX Decomposition Powder as well. (Ex: To decombine a Lv7 Gem, you need 1x Lv7 Decomposition Powder) Decomposition powder can be obtained from the IGShop.

InGame Shop

We now have opened the InGame Shop (In game item mall)! Now before you go "Great more maller crap", everything in this shop will be available In Game hence the name In Game Shop. The IGShop uses a currency called Crystals.
1 IGShop Crystal5 IGShop Crystals10 IGShop Crystals50 IGShop Crystals100 IGShop Crystals

You can obtain IGShop Crystals 3 ways.

1.) Completing the quests given to you from the [IGShop Administrator] located in each of the 3 Main Cities. Argent City (2215,2771) Shaitan City (894,3570) and Icicle Castle (1299,494)
2.) Obtaining them from Terror Chests obtained from Tower of Terror
3.) Events

The quests all "newish" type that are different from the normal. (Normal Quest Ex: Hunting Mobs, Collecting Items, etc). These quests have different objectives to them.
Crystals Mission Enter [X] map {Y} times in within the time limit. *
Crystals Mission Kill {Y} different people in [X] map within the time limit. **
Crystals Mission Win [X] map {Y} times.
Crystals Mission Reach Floor {Y} in Tower of Terror
Crystals Mission Reach Floor {Y} in Tower of Terror without using healing zone
Crystals Mission Clear Floor {Y} in Tower of Terror
Crystals Mission Win {Y} rounds vs Gamble Gods
Crystals Mission Tie {Y} rounds vs Gamble Gods
Crystals Mission Loose {Y} rounds vs Gamble Gods
Note: Replace X with a map name. (Ex: Chaos Argent). Replace Y with any number. (Ex: 8)

[Obtaining Quests]

In order to obtain a quest, you must go to the IGShop Administrator and click on [Crystals Mission]. You will then be given a random quest.***

[Quest Restrictions]

-There are a multitude of quests and the only restrictions are that you must be within a level range in order for a certain quest to show up.
Ex: A Lv150 player will not obtain any quests related to a map they cannot access. Such as Forsaken City, Dark Swamp, or Chaos Tundra.

-Once you have obtained a Crystal Mission, you cannot abandon it. You must complete it before you can obtain another Crystal Mission.

[Quest Status]

Since this is a different type of quest, you will not be able to see your status using the original game quest window. In order to see your progress on a certain quest, use the command "/quest".

[What to do with IGShop Crystals?]

Once you have obtained IGShop Crystals, you can exchange them for crystals on your account. There are 2 ways to exchange them.
1.) You can visit the IGShop Adminitstrator In Game and exchange them there
2.) Visit the crystal exchange page on our website [www.rage-sage.com/home.php?act=igshop]

[How to access the InGame Shop?]

The button should be the shopping cart button near your mini map. However this can vary depending on your client skin.
You must enter your account's security code before you are able to enter the InGame Shop.

Note*: This means that you must enter a map 1 time per opening. Ex: Chaos Argent opens every hour, if your task is to enter 3 times, you must enter once at each opening.
Note**: Conditions must be met before the player is actually counted towards your task. Only players that you kill with Different IP Addresses will be counted.
Note***: You can "re-choose" your random quest up to 10 times in a 30minute period. (In other words, if you obtain a quest you don't like, you can obtain another random quest up to 10 times in a 30minute period.)


-Moved ROSO Apparel Shop from Argent City to Icicle City with the other apparel shops.
-Moved Buff Note NPC to Argent City (2202,2774)
-Moved Kylin Award NPC to Icicle City (1318,487)
-Fixed Fearless NPC giving Fearless Cutter when exchanging Kylin Knife (and vice-versa)

Coming Soon

-Guild Levels
-Guild Bossing
-Guild Wars
-Guild Lounge
-ROSO Custom GUI

(Note: Layout may change in official release)

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