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Rage of Sage Online



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20x Solo-Exp
25x Party-Exp
15x Drop-Rate
7000x Fairy Growth


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News View

April 1 2015
by [Admin]Rage

Spring Fever

Hey guys! We got a bunch of events for you guys for the month of April!

Easter Promotion

Event 1:

Duration: April 4th, 2015 - April 18th, 2015
Purchase any amount of Item Mall Points during this time and get them doubled!

Event 2*:

Any purchase of IMPs between $50 - $99 will obtain 1x Holiday Pack
Any purchase of IMPs between $100 - $149 will obtain 3x Holiday Packs
Any purchase of IMPs between $150 - $199 will obtain 5x Holiday Packs
Any purchase of IMPs equal to $200 will obtain 8x Holiday Packs
1 Holiday Packs Contains : [3x RMGs | 3x SMGs | 5x Hydros Fruits | 1x Lv5 ExBD Heart| 1x Lv5 ExBD Soul| 1x Lv5 ExBD Eye]

Note*: This means that 1 transaction must equal that amount. System will not count how many IMPs you purchased total.

Event 3*:

Purchase a single package of $200 IMPs and gain a bonus VIP Set Chest + 1x VIP Cube Scribe

Note*: Offer is limited to 1 per account
Note**: By purchasing this package you will gain 400 IMPs, VIP Set, VIP Cube Scribe and 8x Holiday Packs
Note***: Offer is exclusive to paypal only

Very Important Packages!

Duration: April 4th, 2015 - April 18th, 2015

Package 1: VIP Chest + 1x VIP Cube Scribe for $120
Package 2: 2x VIP Chests for $200
Package 3: VIP Chest + 80x Hydros Fruits for $200
Package 4: VIP Chest + 1x Pouch of Melancholy for $220
Package 5: 80x Hydros Fruits for $100
Package 6: 1x Pouch of Melancholy for $130

Note*: You do not get IMPs when you pay for VIP set.
Note**:Pouch of melancholy gives you Hydros Weapons(Lv150)
Note***:Upon purchasing any of the VIP packages, they will automatically be delivered to your storage box.

Reputation Exchange

Duration: April 4th, 2015 - April 18th, 2015
Reputation to credits exchange rate will be changed from [1500 rep : 1 credit] to [1000 rep : to 1 credit]
Credits to reputation exchange rate will be changed from [750 credits : 1 rep] to [500 credits : 1 rep]

The player who exchanges the most credits during this event will get Dark Matter Chest + 40x Hydros Fruits + 20x 1 Billion Notes
The player who exchanges the second most credits during this event will get 2x Dark Matter Ring Keys + 30x Hydros Fruits + 10x 1 Billion Notes
The player who exchanges the third most credits during this event will get 1x Dark Matter Neck Key + 20x Hydros Fruits + 5x 1 Billion Notes

Online for Credits

Duration: April 4th, 2015 - April 25th, 2015
All exchange amounts are tripled!
HoursOriginal AmountNew Amount
1 Hour5 Credits15 Credits
6 Hours30 Credits90 Credits
12 Hours60 Credits240 Credits
24 Hours120 Credits360 Credits


First Round Duration: April 4th, 2015 - April 9th, 2015
Second Round Duration: April 11th, 2015 - April 16th, 2015

This time around there are going to be 2 Auctions!

Note: A new restriction has been placed upon the auctions. Each player may only bid on one auction item at a time. This has been suggested many times before and this will also give more players a chance to win items from the auction.
Note: Prizes for the first round will be delivered on April 10th. (Ignore the "Prizes will be given to winners every tuesday after auction")
Note: Prizes for the second round will be delivered on April 17th. (Ignore the "Prizes will be given to winners every tuesday after auction")

Award Center Sale

Time period: April 6th, 2015 1:00 PM (GMT-4)

The following items can be bought from the award center in the AC Sale tab

Rage Set Chest : 25,000 Credits
Sage Set Chest : 25,000 Credits
Rage Master Gem : 10,000 Credits
Sage Master Gem : 10,000 Credits
Fearless Apparel : 20,000 Credits
Rage Weapons Chest : 40,000 Credits
Sage Weapons Chest : 40,000 Credits
Dark Matter Chest : 400,000 Credits
VIP Chest : 700,000 Credits

The quota limit for each will be
Rage/Sage Chests 25x Each
RMG/SMG 25x Each
Fearless Apparel 20x
Rage/Sage Weapon Chests 10x Each
Dark Matter Chest 10x
VIP Chest 2x

The rules:
-Each account can only purchase 1 item. Meaning if you purchase a Rage Master Gem, you can not purchase the other items!
-Each IP will be recorded so that players do not log alt accounts to purchase them!
-You can not Gift these items
-You can only start to buy the items once the count down is 00:00:00

Note: Anybody who attempts to abuse this will get banned
Note*: The items in the sale will be removed at April 10th, 2015 11:59 PM (GMT-4) , so purchase them before then!

Vote for Credits

Duration: April 4th, 2015 - April 27th, 2015

You will now obtain 140 credits from each successful vote instead of 85

Bonus voting rewards on sunday will randomly be 5 or 6 times the amount instead of 3 or 4 times

Easter Wheel Weekend

Duration: April 4th, 2015 12:00 AM (GMT-4) - April 6th, 2015 11:59 PM (GMT-4)

Event 1:

During this time period lady lucky has decided to give you all a FREE SPIN on any of the lottery wheels.

For every 10,000 credits spent on the credit wheel(10 spins) you gain a chance at 1 Free Spin*!
For every 5 imps spent on the points wheel(5 spins) you gain a chance at 1 Free Spin*!

Note*: You can obtain as many free spins as possible during this time period. Spin the credit wheel 50 times, you get 5 free spins! Spin the points wheel 50 times, you get 10 free spins!
Note**: The points and credit wheel will function as normal until the date mentioned above. The page will show a message once the event has started

Event 2:

The player who obtains the most Credit Free Spins during this event will get 50x Hydros Fruits + 150x Cape Unseal Crystals
The player who obtains the second most Credit Free Spins during this event will get 30x Hydros Fruits + 100x Cape Unseal Crystals
The player who obtains the third most Credit Free Spins during this event will get 10x Hydros Fruits + 50x Cape Unseal Crystals

The player who obtains the most Points Free Spins during this event will get 80x Hydros Fruits + 300x Cape Unseal Crystals
The player who obtains the second most Points Free Spins during this event will get 50x Hydros Fruits + 200x Cape Unseal Crystals
The player who obtains the third most Points Free Spins during this event will get 30x Hydros Fruits + 100x Cape Unseal Crystals

Note: Due to an error in our system we could not calculate the winners from the previous event.

Drop Event

Round 1: Sunday April 5th, 2015 7:00PM (GMT-4) at Shaitan Fountain
Round 2: Thursday April 9th, 2015 4:00PM (GMT-4) at Icicle Fountain
Round 3: Saturday April 11th, 2015 2:00PM (GMT-4) at Argent Fountain
Round 4: Tuesday April 14th, 2015 5:00PM (GMT-4) at Winter Island
Round 5: Friday April 17th, 2015 3:00PM (GMT-4) at Thundoria Castle Teleporter

During each of the rounds above, the following will be dropped
-30x 100mil Notes
-10x 1-Billion Notes
-10x 200k Reputation Cards
-5x Hydros Fruits
-2x RMG Chests
-2x SMG Chests
-2x Marriage Chest
-1x Of each Rage/Sage Weapon (2x Crus Swords, 2x Champ Swords, Knife & Cutter)
-1x Fourth RB Chest
-1x Rage Set Chests
-1x Sage Set Chests

Pirate Captain 008 has raided the In-Game Shop and put certain items on sale!

Fire Sale

Event Duration: April 4th, 2015 4:30:00 PM - April 6th, 2015 11:59:00 PM(GMT-4)
5 Packages have been added! The prices are as follows:
Package 1: 1,450 IGS Crystals
Package 2: 1,100 IGS Crystals
Package 3: 1,100 IGS Crystals
Package 4: 850 IGS Crystals
Package 5: 850 IGS Crystals

Fire Sale Part 2

Event Duration: April 7th, 2015 4:30:00 PM - April 9th, 2015 11:59:00 PM(GMT-4)
3 more packages have been added! The package name has been changed to "Brawler Package". The prices are as follows:
Brawler Package 1: 1,850 IGS Crystals
Brawler Package 2: 550 IGS Crystals
Brawler Package 3: 550 IGS Crystals

Note: The amount of stock changes per package, package contents withheld until event day.

Cape Sale

Event Duration: April 4th, 2015 - April 7th, 2015

Sometime throughout each day, Cape Unseal Crystal will be exchangeable for IGS crystals.

Note: amount available will change each day.

Misc. Sales

Event Duration: April 4th, 2015 - April 7th,2015
For a brief time, these items will be available in the IGS for purchase:
- Rage Master Gem
- Sage Master Gem
- Hydros fruit (discounted)
- Heart of Reborn

Remember to check the Promotion tab throughout the event duration!


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