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August 15 2016by [Admin]Rage
Summer's Farewell

The seasons are forever changing and its time to say farewell to (in my opinion) the best season of them all! Fall / Autumn will be right around the corner, but fret not! We will let Summer exit the stage with a bang!
Purchase any amount of Item Mall Points during this time and get them doubled!
Any purchase of IMPs between $100 - $149 will obtain 3x Holiday Packs + 2x Contem Stone Packs
Any purchase of IMPs between $150 - $199 will obtain 5x Holiday Packs + 3x Contem Stone Packs
Any purchase of IMPs equal to $200 will obtain 8x Holiday Packs + 5x Contem Stone Packs
Holiday Pack Contains: [3x
| 3x
| 3x
| 3x
| 3x
| 3x
| 3x
| 3x
| 3x
1 Contem Stone Pack Gives: 3x Random Contem Stones. For more information on contem stones click here
Note*: This means that 1 transaction must equal that amount. System will not count how many IMPs you purchased total.
Note*: Offer is limited to 1 per account
Note**: By purchasing this package you will gain 400 IMPs, VIP Set, VIP Cube Scribe, 8x Holiday Packs and 5x Contem Stone Packs
Note***: Offer is exclusive to paypal only
Duration: August 16th, 2016 - August 29th, 2016
Package 1: VIP Chest + 1x VIP Cube Scribe for $110
Package 2: Package 1 + 1x Dark Matter Chest $150
Package 3: Package 1 + 80x Hydros Fruits for $180
Package 4: Package 1 + 1x Pouch of Melancholy for $200
Package 5: 1x Pouch of Melancholy for $80
Note*: You do NOT get IMPs when you purchase any packages.
Note**:Pouch of melancholy gives you Hydros Weapons(Lv150)
Note***:Upon purchasing any of the packages, they will automatically be delivered to your storage box.
Round 1: August 16th, 2016 - August 21st, 2016
Round 2: August 24th, 2016 - August 29th, 2016
Reputation to credits exchange rate will be changed from [1500 rep : 1 credit] to [1000 rep : to 1 credit]
Credits to reputation exchange rate will be changed from [750 rep : 1 credit] to [500 rep : 1 credit]
The player who exchanges the most credits during this event will get Dark Matter Chest + Lv3 Great Gem + Lv3 RMG/SMG
The player who exchanges the second most credits during this event will get 2x Dark Matter Ring Keys + Lv2 Great Gem + Lv2 RMG/SMG
The player who exchanges the third most credits during this event will get 1x Dark Matter Neck Key + Lv1 Great Gem + 5x 1-Billion Notes
Round 1: August 17th, 2016 1:00 PM (Server Time)
Round 2: August 25th, 2016 12:00 PM (Server Time)
Round 3: August 30th, 2016 11:00 AM (Server Time)
The following items can be bought from the award center in the AC Sale tab
Rage Set Chest : 35,000 Credits
Sage Set Chest : 35,000 Credits
Rage Master Gem : 15,000 Credits
Sage Master Gem : 15,000 Credits
Fearless Apparel : 30,000 Credits
Rage Weapons Chest : 45,000 Credits
Sage Weapons Chest : 45,000 Credits
Dark Matter Chest : 450,000 Credits
VIP Chest : 900,000 Credits
Pouch of Melancholy: 300,000 Credits
The quota limit for each will be
Rage/Sage Chests 15x Each
RMG/SMG 15x Each
Fearless Apparel 20x
Rage/Sage Weapon Chests 10x Each
Dark Matter Chest 10x
VIP Chest 1x
Pouch of Melancholy 3x
The rules:
-Each account can only purchase 1 item. Meaning if you purchase a Rage Master Gem, you can not purchase the other items!
-Each IP will be recorded so that players do not log alt accounts to purchase them!
-You can not Gift these items
-You can only start to buy the items once the countdown is 00:00:00
Note: Anybody who attempts to abuse this will get banned
Note*: The items in the sale can only be bought until [August 21st, 29th and September 4th respectively], 2016 11:59 PM (Server Time) , so purchase them before then!
Note*: If there are items remaining in the AC sale and the time to purchase has expired they cannot be bought.
Duration: August 16th, 2016 - September 4th, 2016
All exchange amounts are tripled!
Duration: August 16th, 2016 - September 4th, 2016
You will now obtain 130 credits from each successful vote instead of 85
Bonus voting rewards on Sunday will randomly be 4 or 5 times the amount instead of 2 or 3 times
First Round Duration: August 16th, 2016 10:00 AM - August 19th, 2016 9:59 AM (Server Time)
Second Round Duration: August 22nd, 2016 10:00 AM - August 25th, 2016 9:59 AM (Server Time)
Third Round Duration: August 28th, 2016 10:00 AM - September 1st, 2016 9:59 AM (Server Time)
There are going to be 3 auctions!
Note: Each player may only bid on one auction item at a time. This has been suggested many times before and this will also give more players a chance to win items from the auction.
Note: You may bid on one item from points auction and once item from credit auction at the same time.
Note: Prizes for the auctions will be delivered 24 hours after each auction ends.
Round 1: August 19th, 2016 12:00 AM - August 21st, 2016 11:59 PM (Server Time)
Round 2: August 26th, 2016 12:00 AM - August 28th, 2016 11:59 PM (Server Time)
Round 3: September 2nd, 2016 12:00 AM - September 4th, 2016 11:59 PM (Server Time)
For every 10,000 credits spent on the credit wheel(10 spins) you gain a chance at 1 Free Spin*!
For every 5 imps spent on the points wheel(5 spins) you gain a chance at 1 Free Spin*!
Note*: You can obtain as many free spins as possible during this time period. Spin the credit wheel 50 times, you get 5 free spins! Spin the points wheel 50 times, you get 10 free spins!
Note**: The points and credit wheel will function as normal until the date mentioned above. The page will show a message once the event has started.
The player who obtains the second most Credit Free Spins during this event will get 3x Potion & Manu Packs
The player who obtains the third most Credit Free Spins during this event will get 2x Potion & Manu Packs
The player who obtains the most Points Free Spins during this event will get Lv4 Great Gem + 5x Potion & Manu Pack
The player who obtains the second most Points Free Spins during this event will get 3x Potion & Manu Pack
The player who obtains the third most Points Free Spins during this event will get 2x Potion & Manu Pack
Round 2: September 2nd, 2016 12:00 AM - September 4th, 2016 11:59 PM (Server Time)
Bonus items have been added to both wheels! All of the bonus items will have a limited amount and once they are gone, players can no longer redeem them from either wheels.
The following will be added to the Points Wheel for the duration of the event
Note*: If you win you will get one of those stones, not all that is listed
The following will be added to the Credit Wheel for the duration of the event
Note: You can only win 1 of the bonus items per wheel. If you win the item, it will be delivered to your storage box and the quantity left will decrease by 1. The winning account will be hidden and shown on the side of the wheel page.
Note: None of the items above will be available until the page displays a message that the event has started.
Event Duration: August 17th, 2016 - August 18th, 2016 11:59:00 PM (Server Time)
5 Packages have been added! The prices are as follows:
Package 1: 1,450 IGS Crystals
Package 2: 1,100 IGS Crystals
Package 3: 1,100 IGS Crystals
Package 4: 850 IGS Crystals
Package 5: 850 IGS Crystals
Event Duration: August 20th, 2016 - August 21st, 2016 11:59:00 PM (Server Time)
3 more packages have been added! The package name has been changed to "Brawler Package". The prices are as follows:
Brawler Package 1: 1,850 IGS Crystals
Brawler Package 2: 550 IGS Crystals
Brawler Package 3: 550 IGS Crystals
Note: The amount of stock changes per package, package contents withheld until event day.
Event Duration: August 22nd, 2016 - August 24th, 2016
Sometime throughout each day, Cape Unseal Crystal will be purchasable for IGS crystals inside of the IGS.
Note: amount available will change each day.
Event Duration: August 26th, 2016 - August 28th, 2016
For a brief time, these items will be available in the IGS for purchase:
- Rage Master Gem
- Sage Master Gem
- Heart of Reborn
Remember to check the Promotion tab throughout the event duration!
Elder Wyvern has decided to attack the Havens! He is commanding an army that will terrify the local people
Round 1: Monday August 22nd, 2016 at 2:00 PM (Server Time)
Round 2: Saturday August 27th, 2016 at 3:00 PM (Server Time)
1.) Master Pet - Solace Haven
2.) Lava Dragon - Chaldea Haven
3.) Hell Sky - Andes Haven
4.) Black Dragon - Skeleton Haven
5.) Barborosa - Oasis Haven
6.) Succubus of Hell - Icespire Haven
7.) Deathsoul Commander - Atlantis Haven
8.) Warrior Demon - Babul Haven
9.) Pirate Captain 008 - Valhalla Haven
10.) Lava Dragon (RB4) - Abandoned Mine Haven
Each boss must be killed before the next one will be spawned. (Ex: Until Master Pet is killed, Lava Dragon wont spawn)
After the siege of the havens Elder Wyvern will spawn once in each major town (Argent, Icicle, Shaitan).
Note: Elder Wyvern for this event will include the Boss AI.
Q & A is back throughout the month! Pick a date that best conveniences you and win prizes!
- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- Players will need to respect the choice the staff makes make in selecting the winners.
- Capitalization and spelling must be EXACT
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules, and their account may end up with a 48 hour ban.
Note*: Click "Prize List" for the prizes you may obtain during this event
Note*: The rounds showcase how many rounds of the event there will be that day.
Word Un-Scramble is active once again! This time there are many more rounds that you can participate in!
How to Play: System says "iOnnel fo geSa aReg " first person to say "Rage of Sage Online" will win
- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- Players will need to respect the choice the staff makes in selecting the winners.
- Capitalization and spelling must be EXACT
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules, and their account may end up with a 48 hour ban.
Note*: Click "Prize List" for the prizes you may obtain during this event
Note*: The rounds showcase how many rounds of the event there will be that day.
Round 1: Thu August 18th, 2016 1:00 PM at Argent City Fountain
Round 2: Thu August 27th, 2016 3:00 PM at Shaitain City Fountain(Rescheduled)
Round 3: Thu September 1st, 2016 3:00 PM at Icicle Castle Fountain
During each of the rounds above, the following will be dropped
-35x 1-Billion Notes
-20x Hydros Fruits
-5x 100-Billion Notes
-2x RMG Chests
-2x SMG Chests
-2x Marriage Chest
-1x of each Rage/Sage Weapon (2x Crus Swords, 2x Champ Swords, Knife & Cutter)
-1x Fourth RB Chest
-1x Rage Set Chests
-1x Sage Set Chests
Note: All times are based off of server time.
Time Period: Sat August 27th, 2016 2:00 PM (Server Time)
Location: Chaos Argent
Portal Location: Icicle City (1371,530)
Our staff will face off against the players in an intense battle!
-The players will have to kill [Admin]Rage [Admin]Elixir and [HD]Axel before the map closes
-Any and all skills/items are allowed
-Staff cannot use any "healing" type items or commands
-If a staff member die, they are out and are not allowed to PK again
-If all staff members are defeated before 45 minutes are up we will summon the following mobs in the outskirts of Shaitan city for 24 hours!
*Sandbags Lv6-8 (The mobs in Hell Chapter)
*BD Mobs
*Volcanic Beast
*All Abbadon Bosses (Abba 5-Eternal Abba)
*Phantom Mobs
*Snowman Warlord(Once dead will not spawn again)
*Wandering Soul (Once dead will not spawn again)
-All players who enter the map before it closes will obtain a participation prize at the end of the event.
[Admin]Rage [Admin]Elixir and [HD]Axel will have stats in the following range
HP: [10million - 15million]
Max Attack: [200k - 350k]
Defense: [20k - 55k]
Dodge: [1.4k - 2.2k]
Hit Rate: [3k - 4.5k]
- 10,000 Credits OR 1 IMP (randomized)
- 75x Cape Crystals
- 5-10x 100m Note
Note: Players will only be able to attack Staff Members. You will not be able to PK each other during this event.
Summmer Promotion
Event 1:
Duration: August 16th, 2016 - August 29th, 2016Purchase any amount of Item Mall Points during this time and get them doubled!
Event 2:
Any purchase of IMPs between $50 - $99 will obtain 1x Holiday Pack + 1x Contem Stone PackAny purchase of IMPs between $100 - $149 will obtain 3x Holiday Packs + 2x Contem Stone Packs
Any purchase of IMPs between $150 - $199 will obtain 5x Holiday Packs + 3x Contem Stone Packs
Any purchase of IMPs equal to $200 will obtain 8x Holiday Packs + 5x Contem Stone Packs

1 Contem Stone Pack Gives: 3x Random Contem Stones. For more information on contem stones click here
Note*: This means that 1 transaction must equal that amount. System will not count how many IMPs you purchased total.
Event 3:
Purchase a single package of $200 IMPs and gain a bonus VIP Set Chest + 1x VIP Cube ScribeNote*: Offer is limited to 1 per account
Note**: By purchasing this package you will gain 400 IMPs, VIP Set, VIP Cube Scribe, 8x Holiday Packs and 5x Contem Stone Packs
Note***: Offer is exclusive to paypal only
Very Important Packages
Duration: August 16th, 2016 - August 29th, 2016
Package 1: VIP Chest + 1x VIP Cube Scribe for $110
Package 2: Package 1 + 1x Dark Matter Chest $150
Package 3: Package 1 + 80x Hydros Fruits for $180
Package 4: Package 1 + 1x Pouch of Melancholy for $200
Package 5: 1x Pouch of Melancholy for $80
Note*: You do NOT get IMPs when you purchase any packages.
Note**:Pouch of melancholy gives you Hydros Weapons(Lv150)
Note***:Upon purchasing any of the packages, they will automatically be delivered to your storage box.
Reputation Exchange
Round 1: August 16th, 2016 - August 21st, 2016
Round 2: August 24th, 2016 - August 29th, 2016
Reputation to credits exchange rate will be changed from [1500 rep : 1 credit] to [1000 rep : to 1 credit]
Credits to reputation exchange rate will be changed from [750 rep : 1 credit] to [500 rep : 1 credit]
The player who exchanges the most credits during this event will get Dark Matter Chest + Lv3 Great Gem + Lv3 RMG/SMG
The player who exchanges the second most credits during this event will get 2x Dark Matter Ring Keys + Lv2 Great Gem + Lv2 RMG/SMG
The player who exchanges the third most credits during this event will get 1x Dark Matter Neck Key + Lv1 Great Gem + 5x 1-Billion Notes
Rank | Round 1 | Round 2 |
1st | cok*** | ardelean*** |
2nd | bouh*** | cok*** |
3rd | bitw*** | joelbla*** |
Award Center Sale
Round 1: August 17th, 2016 1:00 PM (Server Time)
Round 2: August 25th, 2016 12:00 PM (Server Time)
Round 3: August 30th, 2016 11:00 AM (Server Time)
The following items can be bought from the award center in the AC Sale tab
Rage Set Chest : 35,000 Credits
Sage Set Chest : 35,000 Credits
Rage Master Gem : 15,000 Credits
Sage Master Gem : 15,000 Credits
Fearless Apparel : 30,000 Credits
Rage Weapons Chest : 45,000 Credits
Sage Weapons Chest : 45,000 Credits
Dark Matter Chest : 450,000 Credits
VIP Chest : 900,000 Credits
Pouch of Melancholy: 300,000 Credits
The quota limit for each will be
Rage/Sage Chests 15x Each
RMG/SMG 15x Each
Fearless Apparel 20x
Rage/Sage Weapon Chests 10x Each
Dark Matter Chest 10x
VIP Chest 1x
Pouch of Melancholy 3x
The rules:
-Each account can only purchase 1 item. Meaning if you purchase a Rage Master Gem, you can not purchase the other items!
-Each IP will be recorded so that players do not log alt accounts to purchase them!
-You can not Gift these items
-You can only start to buy the items once the countdown is 00:00:00
Note: Anybody who attempts to abuse this will get banned
Note*: The items in the sale can only be bought until [August 21st, 29th and September 4th respectively], 2016 11:59 PM (Server Time) , so purchase them before then!
Note*: If there are items remaining in the AC sale and the time to purchase has expired they cannot be bought.
Online for Credits
Duration: August 16th, 2016 - September 4th, 2016
All exchange amounts are tripled!
Hours | Original Amount | New Amount |
1 Hour | 5 Credits | 10 Credits |
6 Hours | 30 Credits | 60 Credits |
12 Hours | 60 Credits | 120 Credits |
24 Hours | 120 Credits | 240 Credits |
Vote for Credits
Duration: August 16th, 2016 - September 4th, 2016
You will now obtain 130 credits from each successful vote instead of 85
Bonus voting rewards on Sunday will randomly be 4 or 5 times the amount instead of 2 or 3 times
First Round Duration: August 16th, 2016 10:00 AM - August 19th, 2016 9:59 AM (Server Time)
Second Round Duration: August 22nd, 2016 10:00 AM - August 25th, 2016 9:59 AM (Server Time)
Third Round Duration: August 28th, 2016 10:00 AM - September 1st, 2016 9:59 AM (Server Time)
There are going to be 3 auctions!
Note: Each player may only bid on one auction item at a time. This has been suggested many times before and this will also give more players a chance to win items from the auction.
Note: You may bid on one item from points auction and once item from credit auction at the same time.
Note: Prizes for the auctions will be delivered 24 hours after each auction ends.
Lucky Wheel Weekend
Round 1: August 19th, 2016 12:00 AM - August 21st, 2016 11:59 PM (Server Time)
Round 2: August 26th, 2016 12:00 AM - August 28th, 2016 11:59 PM (Server Time)
Round 3: September 2nd, 2016 12:00 AM - September 4th, 2016 11:59 PM (Server Time)
Event 1:
During the above time periods lady lucky has decided to give you all a FREE SPIN on any of the lottery wheels.For every 10,000 credits spent on the credit wheel(10 spins) you gain a chance at 1 Free Spin*!
For every 5 imps spent on the points wheel(5 spins) you gain a chance at 1 Free Spin*!
Note*: You can obtain as many free spins as possible during this time period. Spin the credit wheel 50 times, you get 5 free spins! Spin the points wheel 50 times, you get 10 free spins!
Note**: The points and credit wheel will function as normal until the date mentioned above. The page will show a message once the event has started.
Event 2:
The player who obtains the most Credit Free Spins during this event will get Lv3 Great Gem + 3x Potion & Manu PacksThe player who obtains the second most Credit Free Spins during this event will get 3x Potion & Manu Packs
The player who obtains the third most Credit Free Spins during this event will get 2x Potion & Manu Packs
Rank | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 |
1st | Jadem*** | Genno*** | war*** |
2nd | 38093*** | snu*** | Aaalif*** |
3rd | redwol*** | paul*** | joelbla*** |
The player who obtains the most Points Free Spins during this event will get Lv4 Great Gem + 5x Potion & Manu Pack
The player who obtains the second most Points Free Spins during this event will get 3x Potion & Manu Pack
The player who obtains the third most Points Free Spins during this event will get 2x Potion & Manu Pack
Rank | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 |
1st | silentof*** | BlackDrag*** | silentof*** |
2nd | redwol*** | alexashi*** / silento*** | war*** |
3rd | - | HiroN*** | joel2*** |
Event 3:
Round 1: August 26th, 2016 12:00 AM - August 28th, 2016 11:59 PM (Server Time)Round 2: September 2nd, 2016 12:00 AM - September 4th, 2016 11:59 PM (Server Time)
Bonus items have been added to both wheels! All of the bonus items will have a limited amount and once they are gone, players can no longer redeem them from either wheels.
The following will be added to the Points Wheel for the duration of the event
Item | Amount |
VIP Chest | 3 |
10 IMP Token | 10 |
Dark Matter Chest | 5 |
Lv4 Rage/Sage Master Gem | 5 each* |
Lv3 of each Great Gem | 5 each* |
Lv2 of each Contem Stone | 5 each* |
Note*: If you win you will get one of those stones, not all that is listed
The following will be added to the Credit Wheel for the duration of the event
Item | Amount |
VIP Chest | 2 |
Pouch of Melancholy | 4 |
10 IMP Token | 10 |
10,000 Credit Token | 10 |
Fourth RB Chest | 5 |
Great Gem Bag | 15 |
Mini Contem Stone Bag | 10 |
Note: You can only win 1 of the bonus items per wheel. If you win the item, it will be delivered to your storage box and the quantity left will decrease by 1. The winning account will be hidden and shown on the side of the wheel page.
Note: None of the items above will be available until the page displays a message that the event has started.
Fire Sale
Event Duration: August 17th, 2016 - August 18th, 2016 11:59:00 PM (Server Time)
5 Packages have been added! The prices are as follows:
Package 1: 1,450 IGS Crystals
Package 2: 1,100 IGS Crystals
Package 3: 1,100 IGS Crystals
Package 4: 850 IGS Crystals
Package 5: 850 IGS Crystals
Fire Sale Part 2
Event Duration: August 20th, 2016 - August 21st, 2016 11:59:00 PM (Server Time)
3 more packages have been added! The package name has been changed to "Brawler Package". The prices are as follows:
Brawler Package 1: 1,850 IGS Crystals
Brawler Package 2: 550 IGS Crystals
Brawler Package 3: 550 IGS Crystals
Note: The amount of stock changes per package, package contents withheld until event day.
Cape Sale
Event Duration: August 22nd, 2016 - August 24th, 2016
Sometime throughout each day, Cape Unseal Crystal will be purchasable for IGS crystals inside of the IGS.
Note: amount available will change each day.
Misc. Sales
Event Duration: August 26th, 2016 - August 28th, 2016
For a brief time, these items will be available in the IGS for purchase:
- Rage Master Gem
- Sage Master Gem
- Heart of Reborn
Remember to check the Promotion tab throughout the event duration!
Save the Havens
Elder Wyvern has decided to attack the Havens! He is commanding an army that will terrify the local people
Round 1: Monday August 22nd, 2016 at 2:00 PM (Server Time)
Round 2: Saturday August 27th, 2016 at 3:00 PM (Server Time)
1.) Master Pet - Solace Haven
2.) Lava Dragon - Chaldea Haven
3.) Hell Sky - Andes Haven
4.) Black Dragon - Skeleton Haven
5.) Barborosa - Oasis Haven
6.) Succubus of Hell - Icespire Haven
7.) Deathsoul Commander - Atlantis Haven
8.) Warrior Demon - Babul Haven
9.) Pirate Captain 008 - Valhalla Haven
10.) Lava Dragon (RB4) - Abandoned Mine Haven
Each boss must be killed before the next one will be spawned. (Ex: Until Master Pet is killed, Lava Dragon wont spawn)
After the siege of the havens Elder Wyvern will spawn once in each major town (Argent, Icicle, Shaitan).
Note: Elder Wyvern for this event will include the Boss AI.
Q & A Event
Q & A is back throughout the month! Pick a date that best conveniences you and win prizes!
Date | Time | Rounds |
Thu - August 18th | 3:00 PM | 5 |
Tue - August 23rd | 2:00 PM | 7 |
Fri - August 26th | 3:00 PM | 5 |
Tue - August 30th | 4:00 PM | 8 |
- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- Players will need to respect the choice the staff makes make in selecting the winners.
- Capitalization and spelling must be EXACT
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules, and their account may end up with a 48 hour ban.
Note*: Click "Prize List" for the prizes you may obtain during this event
Note*: The rounds showcase how many rounds of the event there will be that day.
Word Un-Scramble
Word Un-Scramble is active once again! This time there are many more rounds that you can participate in!
Date | Time | Rounds |
Sat - August 20th | 2:00 PM | 5 |
Mon - August 22nd | 4:00 PM | 7 |
Sun - August 28th | 3:00 PM | 6 |
Wed - August 31st | 5:00 PM | 5 |
How to Play: System says "iOnnel fo geSa aReg " first person to say "Rage of Sage Online" will win
- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- Players will need to respect the choice the staff makes in selecting the winners.
- Capitalization and spelling must be EXACT
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules, and their account may end up with a 48 hour ban.
Note*: Click "Prize List" for the prizes you may obtain during this event
Note*: The rounds showcase how many rounds of the event there will be that day.
Drop Event
Round 1: Thu August 18th, 2016 1:00 PM at Argent City Fountain
Round 2: Thu August 27th, 2016 3:00 PM at Shaitain City Fountain(Rescheduled)
Round 3: Thu September 1st, 2016 3:00 PM at Icicle Castle Fountain
During each of the rounds above, the following will be dropped
-35x 1-Billion Notes
-20x Hydros Fruits
-5x 100-Billion Notes
-2x RMG Chests
-2x SMG Chests
-2x Marriage Chest
-1x of each Rage/Sage Weapon (2x Crus Swords, 2x Champ Swords, Knife & Cutter)
-1x Fourth RB Chest
-1x Rage Set Chests
-1x Sage Set Chests
Note: All times are based off of server time.
Fight The Staff
Time Period: Sat August 27th, 2016 2:00 PM (Server Time)
Location: Chaos Argent
Portal Location: Icicle City (1371,530)
Our staff will face off against the players in an intense battle!
-The players will have to kill [Admin]Rage [Admin]Elixir and [HD]Axel before the map closes
-Any and all skills/items are allowed
-Staff cannot use any "healing" type items or commands
-If a staff member die, they are out and are not allowed to PK again
-If all staff members are defeated before 45 minutes are up we will summon the following mobs in the outskirts of Shaitan city for 24 hours!
*Sandbags Lv6-8 (The mobs in Hell Chapter)
*BD Mobs
*Volcanic Beast
*All Abbadon Bosses (Abba 5-Eternal Abba)
*Phantom Mobs
*Snowman Warlord(Once dead will not spawn again)
*Wandering Soul (Once dead will not spawn again)
-All players who enter the map before it closes will obtain a participation prize at the end of the event.
[Admin]Rage [Admin]Elixir and [HD]Axel will have stats in the following range
HP: [10million - 15million]
Max Attack: [200k - 350k]
Defense: [20k - 55k]
Dodge: [1.4k - 2.2k]
Hit Rate: [3k - 4.5k]
- 10,000 Credits OR 1 IMP (randomized)
- 75x Cape Crystals
- 5-10x 100m Note
Note: Players will only be able to attack Staff Members. You will not be able to PK each other during this event.