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Rage of Sage Online



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20x Solo-Exp
25x Party-Exp
15x Drop-Rate
7000x Fairy Growth


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News View

October 16 2016
by [Admin]Rage

Update Log [Oct 16th, 2016]

Hey players,

We have updated a few things that have may not have been working properly since the Maintenance on Oct 9th, 2016.

Download the following patch if your autopatcher cannot update your client automatically.
- Patch Oct 16th, 2016 -

Update Details

1.) Sandbags Lv1-5 have had their HP reduced.
2.) Fixed some apparels not showing correctly in NPCs
3.) Changed the Apparels "Hawaiian Set" to "Water Break Set" and "Banana Set" to "God Slayer"
Note: We were unaware that these apparels did not have the correct bone structure for their models, thus making some players unclickable. Once we have found a fix for this they will be added back, but for now they will be changed.
4.) Tokens Converter and IGShop Converter on website is now working correctly again.
Note: You can still exchange your tokens and crystals from the NPC if you want too.
5.) Archer's Skeleton inside of Halloween Town have been modified
   ~Respawn time halved from 4 hours to 2 hours.
   ~Drop rate of summoning scrolls have been doubled.
6.) Alphabet Cards will now be sent every 5 hours instead of 10.
7.) Chaos Tundra ranking has now been fixed.
Note: The ranking has been counting player kills since the Maintenance on Oct 9th, 2016, however it was not displaying them.

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