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November 19 2016by [Admin]Rage
Thanksgiving Feasts

Greetings players!
With Halloween's passing last month, the next holiday in line for celebration is none other than Thanksgiving!
Prepare your stomachs for the feasts we have prepared for you!
Note: Please make sure you read the date that each event will be held.
Note: Place your mouse over any icons to view details
Purchase any amount of Item Mall Points during this time and get them doubled!
Any purchase of IMPs between $100 - $149 will obtain 5x Holiday Packs + 2x Contem Stone Packs + 10 IMPs
Any purchase of IMPs between $150 - $199 will obtain 8x Holiday Packs + 3x Contem Stone Packs + 15 IMPs
Any purchase of IMPs equal to $200 will obtain 11x Holiday Packs + 5x Contem Stone Packs + 20 IMPs
Holiday Pack Contains: [3x
| 3x
| 3x
| 3x
| 3x
| 3x
| 3x
| 3x
| 3x
1 Contem Stone Pack Gives: 3x Random Contem Stones. For more information on contem stones click here
Note1: This means that 1 transaction must equal that amount. System will not count how many IMPs you purchased total.
Round 2: Friday November 25th, 2016
Round 3: Monday November 28th, 2016
Purchase any of the following amounts on any of the dates above and you will get 15% more Item Mall Points!
Note1: Offer is limited to 1 per account
Note2: By purchasing this package you will gain 420 IMPs(480 during Event 3), VIP Set, VIP Cube Scribe, 11x Holiday Packs and 5x Contem Stone Packs
Note3: Offer is only available via PayPal currently
Duration: November 20th, 2016 - November 29th, 2016
Package 1: VIP Chest + 1x VIP Cube Scribe for $110
Package 2: Package 1 + 1x Dark Matter Chest $150
Package 3: Package 1 + 80x Hydros Fruits for $180
Package 4: Package 1 + 1x Pouch of Melancholy for $200
Package 5: 1x Pouch of Melancholy for $80
Note1: You do NOT get IMPs when you purchase any packages.
Note2:Pouch of melancholy gives you Hydros Weapons(Lv150)
Note3:Upon purchasing any of the packages, they will automatically be delivered to your storage box
Round 1: November 20th, 2016 - November 24th, 2016
Round 2: November 28th, 2016 - December 1st, 2016
Reputation to credits exchange rate will be changed from [1500 rep : 1 credit] to [1000 rep : to 1 credit]
Credits to reputation exchange rate will be changed from [750 rep : 1 credit] to [500 rep : 1 credit]
Exchange your credits during the duration of the event and the top 3 accounts who exchanged the most will obtain the following prizes
Round 1: November 22nd, 2016 1:00 PM (Server Time)
Round 2: November 27th, 2016 12:00 PM (Server Time)
The following items can be bought from the award center in the AC Sale tab
Rage Set Chest : 35,000 Credits
Sage Set Chest : 35,000 Credits
Rage Master Gem : 15,000 Credits
Sage Master Gem : 15,000 Credits
Rage Weapons Chest : 45,000 Credits
Sage Weapons Chest : 45,000 Credits
Dark Matter Chest : 450,000 Credits
VIP Chest : 900,000 Credits
Pouch of Melancholy: 300,000 Credits
The quota limit for each will be
Rage/Sage Chests 5x Each
RMG/SMG 5x Each
Rage/Sage Weapon Chests 5x Each
Dark Matter Chest 5x
VIP Chest 1x
Pouch of Melancholy 1x
The rules:
-Each account can only purchase 1 item. Meaning if you purchase a Rage Master Gem, you can not purchase the other items!
-You can not Gift these items
-You can only start to buy the items once the countdown is 00:00:00
Note1: Anybody who attempts to abuse this will get banned
Note2: The items in the sale can only be bought until [November 25th and 30th respectively], 2016 11:59 PM (Server Time) , so purchase them before then!
Note3: If there are items remaining in the AC sale and the time to purchase has expired they cannot be bought.
Note4: Account purchase data will not be reset for each round. In other words, if your account participates in one round, you cannot participate again.
Duration: November 20th, 2016 - December 5th, 2016
All exchange amounts are tripled!
Duration: November 20th, 2016 - December 5th, 2016
You will now obtain 120 credits from each successful vote instead of 75
Bonus voting rewards on Sunday will randomly be 4 or 5 times the amount instead of 2 or 3 times
Round 1: November 20th, 2016 10:00 AM - November 23rd, 2016 9:59 AM (Server Time)
Round 2: November 25th, 2016 10:00 AM - November 28th, 2016 9:59 AM (Server Time)
Round 3: November 30th, 2016 10:00 AM - December 3rd, 2016 9:59 AM (Server Time)
Auctions are once again changing! Old items have been removed!
Items Removed from Credits Auction: Fearless Apparel, Item Transfer Letter
Note1: Each player may only bid on one auction item at a time.
Note2: You may bid on one item from points auction and one item from credit auction at the same time.
Note3: Prizes for the auctions will be delivered to the winner's storage boxes 24 hours after each auction ends.
Note4: Winner bid data will not be reset for each round. If your account wins one item in a previous round, you cannot bid again.
Round 1: November 25th, 2016 12:00 AM - November 28th, 2016 11:59 PM (Server Time)
Round 2: December 2nd, 2016 12:00 AM - December 4th, 2016 11:59 PM (Server Time)
For every 10,000 credits spent on the credit wheel(10 spins) you gain a chance at 1 Free Spin*!
For every 5 imps spent on the points wheel(5 spins) you gain a chance at 1 Free Spin*!
Note1: You can obtain as many free spins as possible during this time period. Spin the credit wheel 50 times, you get 5 free spins! Spin the points wheel 50 times, you get 10 free spins!
Note2: The points and credit wheel will function as normal until the date mentioned above. The page will show a message once the event has started.
Spin the points wheel during the event and the top 3 accounts that obtained the most points free spins will obtain the following prizes
Note1: Only your FREE spins are being recorded.
Round 1: November 25th, 2016 12:00 AM - November 28th, 2016 11:59 PM (Server Time)
Bonus items have been added to both wheels! All of the bonus items will have a limited amount and once they are gone, players can no longer redeem them from either wheels.
The following will be added to the Points Wheel for the duration of the event
Note1: If you win you will get one of those stones, not all that is listed
The following will be added to the Credit Wheel for the duration of the event
Note1: You can only win 1 of the bonus items per wheel. If you win the item, it will be delivered to your storage box and the quantity left will decrease by 1. The winning account will be hidden and shown on the side of the wheel page.
Note2: None of the items above will be available until the page displays a message that the event has started.
Round 1: November 20th, 2016 - November 21st, 2016 11:59:00 PM (Server Time)
Round 2: November 28th, 2016 - November 29th, 2016 11:59:00 PM (Server Time)
5 Packages have been added! The prices are as follows:
Package 1: 1,450 IGS Crystals
Package 2: 1,100 IGS Crystals
Package 3: 1,100 IGS Crystals
Package 4: 850 IGS Crystals
Package 5: 850 IGS Crystals
Round 1: November 22nd, 2016 - November 23rd, 2016 11:59:00 PM (Server Time)
Round 2: November 30th, 2016 - December 1st, 2016 11:59:00 PM (Server Time)
3 more packages have been added! The package name has been changed to "Brawler Package". The prices are as follows:
Brawler Package 1: 1,850 IGS Crystals
Brawler Package 2: 550 IGS Crystals
Brawler Package 3: 550 IGS Crystals
Note1: The amount of stock changes per package, package contents withheld until event day.
Round 1: November 24th, 2016 - November 25th, 2016
Round 2: December 2nd, 2016 - December 3rd, 2016
Sometime throughout each day, Cape Unseal Crystal will be purchasable for IGS crystals inside of the IGS.
Note1: amount available will change each day.
Round 1: November 26th, 2016 - November 27th, 2016
Round 2: December 4th, 2016 - December 5th, 2016
For a brief time, these items will be available in the IGS for purchase:
- Rage Master Gem
- Sage Master Gem
- Heart of Reborn
Remember to check the Promotion tab throughout the event duration!
Date: Thursday November 24th, 2016
During this event, the prizes will be changed to a special Thanks giveaway. The system will give out prizes to all players that are online every 4 hours!
Note1: Players will also receive the normal prizes for the 'Stay online to win' event that you would get on Thursday.
Q & A is back throughout the event! Pick a date that best conveniences you and win prizes!
- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- Players will need to respect the choice the staff makes make in selecting the winners.
- Capitalization and spelling must be EXACT
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules, and their account may end up with a 48 hour ban.
Note1: Click "Prize List" for the prizes you may obtain during this event
Note2 The rounds showcase how many rounds of the event there will be that day.
Word Un-Scramble is active once again! This time there are many more rounds that you can participate in!
How to Play: System says "iOnnel fo geSa aReg " first person to say "Rage of Sage Online" will win
- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- Players will need to respect the choice the staff makes in selecting the winners.
- Capitalization and spelling must be EXACT
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules, and their account may end up with a 48 hour ban.
Note1: Click "Prize List" for the prizes you may obtain during this event
Note2 The rounds showcase how many rounds of the event there will be that day.
Fetch quests are back once again! Pick a date that best conveniences you and win prizes!
How to Play: Be the first person to obtain the item(s) that we specify in system and win awesome prizes!
- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- Players will need to respect the choice the staff makes in selecting the winners.
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules, and their account may end up with a 48 hour ban.
Note1: Click "Prize List" for the prizes you may obtain during this event
Note2 The rounds showcase how many rounds of the event there will be that day.
Round 1: Wed November 23rd, 2016 1:00 PM at Argent City Fountain
Round 2: Mon November 28th, 2016 3:00 PM at Shaitan City Fountain
Round 3: Fri December 2nd, 2016 3:00 PM at Icicle Castle Fountain
During each of the rounds above, the following will be dropped
-35x 1-Billion Notes
-20x Hydros Fruits
-5x 100-Billion Notes
-2x RMG Chests
-2x SMG Chests
-2x Marriage Chest
-1x of each Rage/Sage Weapon (2x Crus Swords, 2x Champ Swords, Knife & Cutter)
-1x Fourth RB Chest
-1x Rage Set Chests
-1x Sage Set Chests
Note1: All times are based off of server time.
Date: November 20th, 2016 - December 5th, 2016
Obtain letter cards that will spell out certain words and you can win some cool prizes!
-You'll get a random letter card every 5 hours you're online
Note1: If you have "No-Exp Stone" in your temporary bag you will not obtain the +10% exp portion of the reward.
Date: November 20th, 2016 - December 5th, 2016
The turkeys are revolting! Can you capture your meal before they run away?
[Location]: Outskirts of the 2 major cities. (Argent, Icicle)
[Mission]: Hunt down the runaway turkeys

These turkeys are fighting back! Don't let your meal run away! Make sure to clean up after yourselves
[Rewards]: For every 50 turkeys killed, you will gain one of the following packages at random
Note1: Prizes will automatically be delivered to your inventory once you have reached the required kills. Please make sure you have enough inventory space.
This is just a reminder to everybody that we now have brand new account security option!
This is currently the most secure option that you can have on your account. It will prevent anybody other than the IP addresses you specify access to your account.
This helps you greatly and we would like to encourage more people to do so.
For more information on how to set this up for your account, check our Account IP Security Guide!
With Halloween's passing last month, the next holiday in line for celebration is none other than Thanksgiving!
Prepare your stomachs for the feasts we have prepared for you!
Note: Please make sure you read the date that each event will be held.
Note: Place your mouse over any icons to view details
Thanksgiving Promotion
Event 1:
Duration: November 20th, 2016 - November 29th, 2016Purchase any amount of Item Mall Points during this time and get them doubled!
Event 2:
Any purchase of IMPs between $50 - $99 will obtain 2x Holiday Pack + 1x Contem Stone Pack + 5 IMPsAny purchase of IMPs between $100 - $149 will obtain 5x Holiday Packs + 2x Contem Stone Packs + 10 IMPs
Any purchase of IMPs between $150 - $199 will obtain 8x Holiday Packs + 3x Contem Stone Packs + 15 IMPs
Any purchase of IMPs equal to $200 will obtain 11x Holiday Packs + 5x Contem Stone Packs + 20 IMPs

1 Contem Stone Pack Gives: 3x Random Contem Stones. For more information on contem stones click here
Note1: This means that 1 transaction must equal that amount. System will not count how many IMPs you purchased total.
Event 3:
Round 1: Thursday November 24th, 2016Round 2: Friday November 25th, 2016
Round 3: Monday November 28th, 2016
Purchase any of the following amounts on any of the dates above and you will get 15% more Item Mall Points!
Purchase | Bonus | IMPs Delivered |
50 x 2 = 100 | 100 x 15% + 5 = 20 | 120 IMPS |
100 x 2 = 200 | 200 x 15% + 10 = 40 | 240 IMPS |
150 x 2 = 300 | 300 x 15% + 15 = 60 | 360 IMPS |
200 x 2 = 400 | 400 x 15% + 20 = 80 | 480 IMPS |
Event 4:
Purchase any amount of IMPs during the duration of Event 1 and the top 3 accounts that purchased the most will obtain the following prizesRank | Account | Prize |
1st | Nuras*** | 1x ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2nd | danceste*** | 1x ![]() ![]() ![]() |
3rd | 225*** | 1x ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Event 5:
Purchase a single package of $200 IMPs and gain a bonus VIP Set Chest + 1x VIP Cube ScribeNote1: Offer is limited to 1 per account
Note2: By purchasing this package you will gain 420 IMPs(480 during Event 3), VIP Set, VIP Cube Scribe, 11x Holiday Packs and 5x Contem Stone Packs
Note3: Offer is only available via PayPal currently
Very Important Packages
Duration: November 20th, 2016 - November 29th, 2016
Package 1: VIP Chest + 1x VIP Cube Scribe for $110
Package 2: Package 1 + 1x Dark Matter Chest $150
Package 3: Package 1 + 80x Hydros Fruits for $180
Package 4: Package 1 + 1x Pouch of Melancholy for $200
Package 5: 1x Pouch of Melancholy for $80
Note1: You do NOT get IMPs when you purchase any packages.
Note2:Pouch of melancholy gives you Hydros Weapons(Lv150)
Note3:Upon purchasing any of the packages, they will automatically be delivered to your storage box
Reputation Exchange
Round 1: November 20th, 2016 - November 24th, 2016
Round 2: November 28th, 2016 - December 1st, 2016
Reputation to credits exchange rate will be changed from [1500 rep : 1 credit] to [1000 rep : to 1 credit]
Credits to reputation exchange rate will be changed from [750 rep : 1 credit] to [500 rep : 1 credit]
Exchange your credits during the duration of the event and the top 3 accounts who exchanged the most will obtain the following prizes
Rank | Round 1 | Round 2 | Prize |
1st | loc*** | kent25*** | 1x ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2nd | kent25*** | sturu*** | 2x ![]() ![]() ![]() |
3rd | sturu*** | fran10*** | 1x ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Award Center Sale
Round 1: November 22nd, 2016 1:00 PM (Server Time)
Round 2: November 27th, 2016 12:00 PM (Server Time)
The following items can be bought from the award center in the AC Sale tab
Rage Set Chest : 35,000 Credits
Sage Set Chest : 35,000 Credits
Rage Master Gem : 15,000 Credits
Sage Master Gem : 15,000 Credits
Rage Weapons Chest : 45,000 Credits
Sage Weapons Chest : 45,000 Credits
Dark Matter Chest : 450,000 Credits
VIP Chest : 900,000 Credits
Pouch of Melancholy: 300,000 Credits
The quota limit for each will be
Rage/Sage Chests 5x Each
RMG/SMG 5x Each
Rage/Sage Weapon Chests 5x Each
Dark Matter Chest 5x
VIP Chest 1x
Pouch of Melancholy 1x
The rules:
-Each account can only purchase 1 item. Meaning if you purchase a Rage Master Gem, you can not purchase the other items!
-You can not Gift these items
-You can only start to buy the items once the countdown is 00:00:00
Note1: Anybody who attempts to abuse this will get banned
Note2: The items in the sale can only be bought until [November 25th and 30th respectively], 2016 11:59 PM (Server Time) , so purchase them before then!
Note3: If there are items remaining in the AC sale and the time to purchase has expired they cannot be bought.
Note4: Account purchase data will not be reset for each round. In other words, if your account participates in one round, you cannot participate again.
Online for Credits
Duration: November 20th, 2016 - December 5th, 2016
All exchange amounts are tripled!
Hours | Original Amount | New Amount |
1 Hour | 5 Credits | 15 Credits |
6 Hours | 30 Credits | 90 Credits |
12 Hours | 60 Credits | 180 Credits |
24 Hours | 120 Credits | 360 Credits |
Vote for Credits
Duration: November 20th, 2016 - December 5th, 2016
You will now obtain 120 credits from each successful vote instead of 75
Bonus voting rewards on Sunday will randomly be 4 or 5 times the amount instead of 2 or 3 times
Round 1: November 20th, 2016 10:00 AM - November 23rd, 2016 9:59 AM (Server Time)
Round 2: November 25th, 2016 10:00 AM - November 28th, 2016 9:59 AM (Server Time)
Round 3: November 30th, 2016 10:00 AM - December 3rd, 2016 9:59 AM (Server Time)
Auctions are once again changing! Old items have been removed!
Items Removed from Credits Auction: Fearless Apparel, Item Transfer Letter
Note1: Each player may only bid on one auction item at a time.
Note2: You may bid on one item from points auction and one item from credit auction at the same time.
Note3: Prizes for the auctions will be delivered to the winner's storage boxes 24 hours after each auction ends.
Note4: Winner bid data will not be reset for each round. If your account wins one item in a previous round, you cannot bid again.
Black Friday Wheel Weekend
Round 1: November 25th, 2016 12:00 AM - November 28th, 2016 11:59 PM (Server Time)
Round 2: December 2nd, 2016 12:00 AM - December 4th, 2016 11:59 PM (Server Time)
Event 1:
During the above time periods lady lucky has decided to give you all a FREE SPIN on any of the lottery wheels.For every 10,000 credits spent on the credit wheel(10 spins) you gain a chance at 1 Free Spin*!
For every 5 imps spent on the points wheel(5 spins) you gain a chance at 1 Free Spin*!
Note1: You can obtain as many free spins as possible during this time period. Spin the credit wheel 50 times, you get 5 free spins! Spin the points wheel 50 times, you get 10 free spins!
Note2: The points and credit wheel will function as normal until the date mentioned above. The page will show a message once the event has started.
Event 2:
Spin the credit wheel during the event and the top 3 accounts that obtained the most credit free spins will obtain the following prizesRank | Round 1 | Round 2 | Prize |
1st | hanie*** | gemlo*** | 1x ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2nd | aryan*** | kyleta*** | 3x ![]() ![]() |
3rd | darkside*** | chu*** | 2x ![]() ![]() |
Spin the points wheel during the event and the top 3 accounts that obtained the most points free spins will obtain the following prizes
Rank | Round 1 | Round 2 | Prize |
1st | IzZ*** | Zol*** | 1x ![]() ![]() ![]() |
2nd | Alexand*** | freak**** | 3x ![]() ![]() |
3rd | danceste*** | lamb*** | 2x ![]() ![]() |
Note1: Only your FREE spins are being recorded.
Bonus Wheel Weekend
Round 1: November 25th, 2016 12:00 AM - November 28th, 2016 11:59 PM (Server Time)
Bonus items have been added to both wheels! All of the bonus items will have a limited amount and once they are gone, players can no longer redeem them from either wheels.
The following will be added to the Points Wheel for the duration of the event
Item | Amount |
VIP Chest | 2 |
10 IMP Token | 5 |
Dark Matter Chest | 5 |
Lv4 Rage/Sage Master Gem | 3 each* |
Lv3 of each Great Gem | 3 each* |
Lv2 of each Contem Stone | 3 each* |
Note1: If you win you will get one of those stones, not all that is listed
The following will be added to the Credit Wheel for the duration of the event
Item | Amount |
VIP Chest | 1 |
Pouch of Melancholy | 2 |
10 IMP Token | 5 |
10,000 Credit Token | 10 |
Fourth RB Chest | 5 |
Great Gem Bag | 15 |
Mini Contem Stone Bag | 10 |
Note1: You can only win 1 of the bonus items per wheel. If you win the item, it will be delivered to your storage box and the quantity left will decrease by 1. The winning account will be hidden and shown on the side of the wheel page.
Note2: None of the items above will be available until the page displays a message that the event has started.
Fire Sale
Round 1: November 20th, 2016 - November 21st, 2016 11:59:00 PM (Server Time)
Round 2: November 28th, 2016 - November 29th, 2016 11:59:00 PM (Server Time)
5 Packages have been added! The prices are as follows:
Package 1: 1,450 IGS Crystals
Package 2: 1,100 IGS Crystals
Package 3: 1,100 IGS Crystals
Package 4: 850 IGS Crystals
Package 5: 850 IGS Crystals
Fire Sale Part 2
Round 1: November 22nd, 2016 - November 23rd, 2016 11:59:00 PM (Server Time)
Round 2: November 30th, 2016 - December 1st, 2016 11:59:00 PM (Server Time)
3 more packages have been added! The package name has been changed to "Brawler Package". The prices are as follows:
Brawler Package 1: 1,850 IGS Crystals
Brawler Package 2: 550 IGS Crystals
Brawler Package 3: 550 IGS Crystals
Note1: The amount of stock changes per package, package contents withheld until event day.
Cape Sale
Round 1: November 24th, 2016 - November 25th, 2016
Round 2: December 2nd, 2016 - December 3rd, 2016
Sometime throughout each day, Cape Unseal Crystal will be purchasable for IGS crystals inside of the IGS.
Note1: amount available will change each day.
Misc. Sales
Round 1: November 26th, 2016 - November 27th, 2016
Round 2: December 4th, 2016 - December 5th, 2016
For a brief time, these items will be available in the IGS for purchase:
- Rage Master Gem
- Sage Master Gem
- Heart of Reborn
Remember to check the Promotion tab throughout the event duration!
Stay online to win!
Date: Thursday November 24th, 2016
During this event, the prizes will be changed to a special Thanks giveaway. The system will give out prizes to all players that are online every 4 hours!
Note1: Players will also receive the normal prizes for the 'Stay online to win' event that you would get on Thursday.
Q & A Event
Q & A is back throughout the event! Pick a date that best conveniences you and win prizes!
Date | Time | Rounds |
Tue - November 22nd | 3:00 PM | 5 |
Sat - November 26th | 2:00 PM | 7 |
Wed - November 30th | 3:00 PM | 5 |
Sun - December 4th | 4:00 PM | 8 |
- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- Players will need to respect the choice the staff makes make in selecting the winners.
- Capitalization and spelling must be EXACT
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules, and their account may end up with a 48 hour ban.
Note1: Click "Prize List" for the prizes you may obtain during this event
Note2 The rounds showcase how many rounds of the event there will be that day.
Word Un-Scramble
Word Un-Scramble is active once again! This time there are many more rounds that you can participate in!
Date | Time | Rounds |
Wed - November 23rd | 2:00 PM | 5 |
Tue - November 29th | 4:00 PM | 7 |
Sat - December 3rd | 5:00 PM | 6 |
Tue - December 6th (rescheduled) | 3:00 PM | 5 |
How to Play: System says "iOnnel fo geSa aReg " first person to say "Rage of Sage Online" will win
- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- Players will need to respect the choice the staff makes in selecting the winners.
- Capitalization and spelling must be EXACT
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules, and their account may end up with a 48 hour ban.
Note1: Click "Prize List" for the prizes you may obtain during this event
Note2 The rounds showcase how many rounds of the event there will be that day.
Fetch Quests
Fetch quests are back once again! Pick a date that best conveniences you and win prizes!
Date | Time | Rounds |
Mon - November 28th | 4:00 PM | 10 |
Mon - December 5th | 5:00 PM | 8 |
How to Play: Be the first person to obtain the item(s) that we specify in system and win awesome prizes!
- Once you win, you cannot participate in this event again.
- Players will need to respect the choice the staff makes in selecting the winners.
- We have all rights to kick out whoever we do not see following the rules, and their account may end up with a 48 hour ban.
Note1: Click "Prize List" for the prizes you may obtain during this event
Note2 The rounds showcase how many rounds of the event there will be that day.
Drop Event
Round 1: Wed November 23rd, 2016 1:00 PM at Argent City Fountain
Round 2: Mon November 28th, 2016 3:00 PM at Shaitan City Fountain
Round 3: Fri December 2nd, 2016 3:00 PM at Icicle Castle Fountain
During each of the rounds above, the following will be dropped
-35x 1-Billion Notes
-20x Hydros Fruits
-5x 100-Billion Notes
-2x RMG Chests
-2x SMG Chests
-2x Marriage Chest
-1x of each Rage/Sage Weapon (2x Crus Swords, 2x Champ Swords, Knife & Cutter)
-1x Fourth RB Chest
-1x Rage Set Chests
-1x Sage Set Chests
Note1: All times are based off of server time.
Alphabet Card Event
Date: November 20th, 2016 - December 5th, 2016
Obtain letter cards that will spell out certain words and you can win some cool prizes!
How to get alphabet cards?
-Obtain them from Enchanting Card Chest obtainable from mining meteorites-You'll get a random letter card every 5 hours you're online
Exchange Table
Exchange your alphabet cards at Event NPC - Pappa in Argent City (2223,2768)Quantity | Cards | Reward |
10x | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | +10% exp, 10x ![]() ![]() |
10x | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | +10% exp, 2x ![]() ![]() |
10x | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | +10% exp, 5x ![]() ![]() |
Note1: If you have "No-Exp Stone" in your temporary bag you will not obtain the +10% exp portion of the reward.
Turkey Hunt
Date: November 20th, 2016 - December 5th, 2016
The turkeys are revolting! Can you capture your meal before they run away?
[Location]: Outskirts of the 2 major cities. (Argent, Icicle)
[Mission]: Hunt down the runaway turkeys

These turkeys are fighting back! Don't let your meal run away! Make sure to clean up after yourselves
[Rewards]: For every 50 turkeys killed, you will gain one of the following packages at random
Reward Table
Package | Reward |
Package 1 | 3x ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Package 2 | 3x ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Package 3 | 3x ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Note1: Prizes will automatically be delivered to your inventory once you have reached the required kills. Please make sure you have enough inventory space.
Account IP Locks
This is just a reminder to everybody that we now have brand new account security option!
This is currently the most secure option that you can have on your account. It will prevent anybody other than the IP addresses you specify access to your account.
This helps you greatly and we would like to encourage more people to do so.
For more information on how to set this up for your account, check our Account IP Security Guide!
We hope you have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving,