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Rage of Sage Online



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20x Solo-Exp
25x Party-Exp
15x Drop-Rate
7000x Fairy Growth


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News View

February 15 2018
by [Admin]Rage

Feb-tastic Frenzy

This year just keeps on rolling by!

We have a bunch of frenzied events for you all to enjoy the rest of this month!

Make sure to LIKE and FOLLOW our official Facebook page as there will be some exclusive events! Official Facebook Page

Don't forge to join our Discord as well! Some events will be posted there! Official Discord

Note1: All dates/times are based off the server's time
Note2: Place your mouse over any icons to view details

Frenzy Sale

[Event 1]

Duration: February 16th, 2018 - February 25th, 2018

Purchase any amount of IMPs during this time and you'll get 200% more once the payment has been completed!

[Event 2]

Purchase any of the following IMP packs, during the same times as [Event 1], and you'll get bonus items!
Bonus Gifts-1x Promo Pack
-1x Contem Pack
-200 IMPs
-2x Promo Pack
-1x Contem Pack
-400 IMPs
-3x Promo Pack
-2x Contem Pack
-800 IMPs
-5x Promo Pack
-3x Contem Pack
-1,200 IMPs
-9x Promo Pack
-5x Contem Pack
-2,000 IMPs

Note1: Promo Pack contains [3x | 3x | 3x | 3x | 3x | 3x | 3x | 3x | 3x ]
Note2: Contem Pack contains 3x Random Contem Stones. Contem Stones Guide
Note3: Only the packs specified above will give the bonus gifts.

[Event 3]

Round 1: Friday February 16th, 2018 - Sunday February 18th, 2018
Round 2: Friday February 23rd, 2018 - Sunday February 25th, 2018

Purchase any amount of IMPs over or equal to 1,000 on any payment method in the time period listed above and you will get 5% more Item Mall Points!
Bonus IMPsIMPs over or equal to 1,000 x 200% x 5% = At least 2,100 + any additional IMPs

[Event 4]

Purchase the pack named "20,000 IMPS" and gain a bonus 1x VIP Set Chest + 1x VIP Cube Scribe

Note1: By purchasing this package you will gain 42,000 IMPs, VIP Set, VIP Cube Scribe, 9x Promo Packs and 5x Contem Packs
Note2: Not all payment methods can purchase this pack.

[Event 5]

We've added brand new items to the Item Shop's "Promotion" tab! Check it out and act fast, or these items will be gone!

Frenzy Packs

Duration: February 16th, 2018 - February 25th, 2018

Package 1: VIP Chest + 1x VIP Cube Scribe + Pouch of Melancholy for $140
Package 2: Lv1-9 Rage Master Gem for $190
Package 3: Lv1-9 Sage Master Gem for $190

Note1: Unless the package specifically says it, you do NOT obtain IMPs when you purchase a package.
Note2: Pouch of melancholy gives you the items to upgrade your existing Rage/Sage weapons into Hydros Weapons(Lv150). All gems will be transferred during the upgrade.
Note3: Upon purchasing any of the packages, they will automatically be delivered to your storage box
Note4: Purchasing any of the Frenzy Packs will NOT coincide during any of the events under [Frenzy Sale]

Reputation Exchange

Round 1: February 16th, 2018 - February 20th, 2018
Round 2: February 23rd, 2018 - February 27th, 2018

Reputation to credits exchange rate will be changed from [2,000 rep : 1 credit] to [1,500 rep : to 1 credit]
Credits to reputation exchange rate will be changed from [1 credit: 500 rep] to [1 credit: 375 rep]

Exchange your credits during the duration of the event and the top 3 accounts who exchanged the most will obtain the following prizes
RankRound 1Round 2Prize
1stmehda***terrao***1x + 1x + 1x + 10x + 10x
2ndterrao***verkau***2x + 1x + 1x + 7x + 7x
3rdpedag*** phantims15***1x + 1x + 1x + 4x + 4x
Note1: Only credits gained by exchanging reputation are counted

Award Center Sale

Round 1: February 18th, 2018 12:00 PM - February 22nd, 2018 11:59 PM
Round 2: February 23rd, 2018 12:00 PM - February 27th, 2018 11:59 PM

The following items can be bought from the award center in the AC Sale tab
Rage Set Chest35,000 Credits7x
Sage Set Chest35,000 Credits7x
Rage Master Gem15,000 Credits7x
Sage Master Gem15,000 Credits7x
Rage Weapons Chest45,000 Credits7x
Sage Weapons Chest45,000 Credits7x
Dark Matter Chest200,000 Credits5x
Pouch of Melancholy100,000 Credits2x
Rage Set Stone30,000 Credits21x
Sage Set Stone30,000 Credits21x

1.) Each account can only purchase 1 item. Meaning if you purchase a Rage Master Gem, you can not purchase the other items!
2.) You can not gift these items
3.) You can only buy the items once their countdown has reached 00:00:00

Note1: Anybody who attempts to abuse this will get banned
Note2: The items in the sale can only be bought during the duration of each round!
Note3: If there are items still remaining in the AC sale after the event duration, they cannot be bought.
Note4: If your account purchases an item from the sale in one round, you cannot purchase in another.

Online for Credits

Duration: February 16th, 2018 - February 28th, 2018
All exchange amounts are quintupled (5x)!

HoursOriginal AmountNew Amount
1 Hour5 Credits25 Credits
6 Hours30 Credits150 Credits
12 Hours60 Credits300 Credits
24 Hours120 Credits600 Credits

Vote for Credits

Duration: February 16th, 2018 - February 28th, 2018

You will now obtain 160 credits from each successful vote instead of 85

Bonus voting rewards on Sunday will be between 3 - 4 times the amount!

Each voting website links to a random account's scout code! Anybody who registers an account will now be matched randomly with somebody who has generated a scout code!

Voting will increase the visibility of our banner which will in turn be more beneficial towards you!


Round 1: February 16th, 2018 10:00 AM - February 19th, 2018 9:59 AM
Round 2: February 21st, 2018 10:00 AM - February 24th, 2018 9:59 AM

Get ready for 2 rounds of auctions! Some items have been removed and added! Get ready to place your bids for these awesome items!

[Items Added to Credit Auction]
1.) Rage Shield
2.) 200x Ascendant Shards

[Item Added to Points Auction]
1.) Character Lv Up Card(175)

[Item Removed from Points Auction]
1.) 99x Ascendant Shards
Note1: Each player can only bid on one auction item at a time
Note2: You can bid on one item from points auction and one item from credit auction at the same time
Note3: Prizes for the auctions will be delivered to the winner's storage boxes 24 hours after each auction ends.
Note4: If your account wins one item in Credits Auction in a previous round, you cannot bid in Credit Auction again, but you can still bid in Points and vice-versa.

Lucky Wheel Weekend

Round 1: February 16th, 2018 12:00 AM - February 18th, 2018 11:59 PM
Round 2: February 23rd, 2018 12:00 AM - February 25th, 2018 11:59 PM

[Event 1]

During the above time periods, try out your luck and you'll get a FREE SPIN on any of the lottery wheels.

For every 10,000 credits spent on the credit wheel (10 spins), you will gain 1 Free Spin*!

For every 500 imps spent on the points wheel (5 spins), you will gain 1 Free Spin*!

Note1: You can obtain as many free spins as possible during this time period. Spin the credit wheel 50 times, you get 5 free spins! Spin the points wheel 50 times, you get 10 free spins!
Note2: The points and credit wheel will function as normal until the date mentioned above. The page will show a message once the event has started.

[Event 2]

[Spin the credit wheel] during the event and the top 3 accounts that obtained the most credit free spins will obtain the following prizes
RankRound 1Round 2Prize
1stklvswordk***suriazi***1x + 3x + 3x
2ndmuerte2***vitor2***3x + 3x
3rdkir***ultral***2x + 2x

[Spin the points wheel] during the event and the top 3 accounts that obtained the most points free spins will obtain the following prizes
RankRound 1Round 2Prize
1stSe*** percivalna***1x + 5x + 5x
2ndargentoutca*** sue8***3x + 3x
3rdzoorinor1***suriazi***2x + 2x

Note1: Only your FREE spins are being recorded.

Bonus Wheel Weekend

Round 1: February 16th, 2018 12:00 AM - February 18th, 2018 11:59 PM
Round 2: February 23rd, 2018 12:00 AM - February 25th, 2018 11:59 PM
Bonus items have been added to both wheels! All of the bonus items will have a limited amount and once they are gone, players can no longer redeem them from either wheels.

The following will be added to the Points Wheel for the duration of the event
VIP Chest2
1,000 IMP Token5
Dark Matter Chest5
Lv4 Rage/Sage Master Gem5 each*
Lv3 of each Great Gem5 each*
Lv2 of each Contem Stone5 each*

Note1: If you win you will get one of those stones, not all that is listed

The following will be added to the Credit Wheel for the duration of the event
VIP Chest2
Pouch of Melancholy5
1,000 IMP Token10
10,000 Credit Token20
Fourth RB Chest10
Great Gem Bag25
Mini Contem Stone Bag20

Note1: You can only win 1 of the bonus items per wheel. If you win the item, it will be delivered to your storage box and the quantity left will decrease by 1. The winning account will be hidden and shown on the side of the wheel page.

Note2: None of the items above will be available until the page displays a message that the event has started.

Fire Sale

Round 1: February 16th, 2018
Round 2: February 23rd, 2018

For 24 hours, 5 Packages will be added!

The prices are the following:
Package 1: 1,450 IGS Crystals
Package 2: 1,100 IGS Crystals
Package 3: 1,100 IGS Crystals
Package 4: 850 IGS Crystals
Package 5: 850 IGS Crystals

Note1: The packages will show up in the [Promotion] tab of the IGS at random times on the dates specified above
Note2: There are a limited amount of packages, once they are bought out, they will not appear in the IGS anymore.
Note3: The packages will not all appear at once. Each package has it's own time to appear within the 24 hours

Fire Sale Part 2

Round 1: February 17th, 2018
Round 2: February 24th, 2018

For 24 hours, 3 additional packages will be added!

The package name has been changed to "Brawler Package". The prices are as follows:
Brawler Package 1: 1,850 IGS Crystals
Brawler Package 2: 550 IGS Crystals
Brawler Package 3: 550 IGS Crystals

Note1: The packages will show up in the [Promotion] tab of the IGS at random times on the dates specified above
Note2: There are a limited amount of packages, once they are bought out, they will not appear in the IGS anymore.
Note3: The packages will not all appear at once. Each package has it's own time to appear within the 24 hours

Cape Sale

Round 1: February 18th, 2018
Round 2: February 25th, 2018
For 24 hours, you'll be allowed to purchase Cape Unseal Crystal for IGS crystals!

Note1: The packages will show up in the [Promotion] tab of the IGS at random times on the dates specified above
Note2: There are a limited amount of packages, once they are bought out, they will not appear in the IGS anymore.

Misc. Sales

Round 1: February 19th, 2018
Round 2: February 26th, 2018

For 24 hours, you can purchase these exclusive gems in the IGS!:
- Rage Master Gem
- Sage Master Gem

Note1: The packages will show up in the [Promotion] tab of the IGS at random times on the dates specified above
Note2: There are a limited amount of packages, once they are bought out, they will not appear in the IGS anymore.
Note3: RMG and SMG will not appear at the same time. They have their own time to appear within the 24 hours

Raid Boss Invasion

Round 1 - Raid Dragon Igneel: Sunday February 18th, 2018 at 5:00 PM
Round 2 - Snake Queen: Saturday February 24th, 2018 at 5:00 PM

The most challenging bosses, Snake Queen and Raid Dragon Igneel, are breaking out of their respective raids! They are gathering an army of bosses and will be attacking Shaitan Gates (Raid Dragon Igneel) and Argent Gates (Snake Queen)
Gather up players and try to defeat the bosses!

- Volcanic Beast
- All Abbadon Bosses
- Phantom Mobs
- Snowman Warlord
- Wandering Soul
- Sandbags Lv6-8
- Black Dragon Mobs

Seek the Stall

We've added back the event, "Seek the Stall" to our event lineup! Choose the date that best conveniences you and you could purchase rare items for cheap!
Thu - Feb 22nd6:00 PM
Mon - Feb 26th4:00 PM

[HOW TO PLAY]: A staff member will say a location on system chat and a number. Once the amount of players that have arrived in the location reaches the number we said, we will open a stall full of items!

- 1-Billion Notes
- Hydros Fruits
- Master Pet Summon Scroll
- Lava Dragon(4thRB) Summon Scroll
- (7-Day)ROSO Energy Card
- Raid Fragments
- Wyvern Fragments
- Marriage Chest
- Fourth RB Chest
- Raid Dragon Altar

Note1: The quantity and price of the items stalled will be the staff member's choice.

Q & A Event

Q & A is back and better than ever! With the addition of our new map "Events Square", this event will now be automated! Check out which times the event will be active and type "/events" to participate!
Fri - Feb 16th1:15 PM3
Tue - Feb 20th4:15 PM3
Sat - Feb 24th2:15 PM3

[HOW TO PLAY]: For more information on how to play, check out our mini guide

- Once you win a round, you'll be unable to win again until the next event.
Note1: First 3 players to get the correct answer in each round will be rewarded with an "Event Reward Tile" .
Note2: The rounds showcase how many rounds of the event there will be that day.

Word Unscramble

Word Unscramble is back and better than ever! With the addition of our new map "Events Square", this event will now be automated! Check out which times the event will be active and type "/events" to participate!
Sat - Feb 17th1:15 PM3
Wed - Feb 21st11:15 AM3
Sun - Feb 25th3:15 PM3

[HOW TO PLAY]: For more information on how to play, check out our mini guide

- Once you win a round, you'll be unable to win again until the next event.
Note1: First 3 players to get the correct answer in each round will be rewarded with an "Event Reward Tile" .
Note2: The rounds showcase how many rounds of the event there will be that day.

Drop Event

Drop event is back and better than ever! With the addition of our new map "Events Square", this event will now be automated! Check out which times the event will be active and type "/events" to participate!
Sun - Feb 18th10:15 AMEvent Square Fountain
Thu - Feb 22nd1:15 PMEvent Square Fountain
Mon - Feb 26th2:15 PMEvent Square Fountain

-20x 1-Billion Notes
-15x Ascendant Shards
-10x Hydros Fruits
-5x 100-Billion Notes
-4x RMG Chests
-4x SMG Chests
-4x Marriage Chest
-4x Event Reward Tiles
-3x Rage Set Stones
-3x Sage Set Stones
-2x Fourth RB Chest
-1x of each Rage/Sage Weapon (2x Crus Swords, 2x Champ Swords, Knife & Cutter)
-1x Rage Set Chests
-1x Sage Set Chests
[HOW TO PARTICIPATE]: For more information on how to participate, check out our mini guide

Alphabet Card Event

Duration: February 16th, 2018 - February 28th, 2018

Obtain letter cards that will spell out certain words and you can win some cool prizes!

[How to get alphabet cards]

-Obtain them from Enchanting Card Chest obtainable from mining meteorites
-You'll get a random letter card every 5 hours you're online

[Exchange Table]

Exchange your alphabet cards at Event NPC - Pappa in Argent City (2223,2768)
4x+10% exp + 10x + 1x
4x+10% exp + 2x + 1x
4x+10% exp + 5x + 10x
4x+10% exp + 5x + 1x

Note1: If you have "No-Exp Stone" in your temporary bag you will not obtain the +10% exp portion of the reward.

Frenzy Boost

Duration: February 16th, 2018 - February 28th, 2018

To further enjoy this event, during this time period, all players can enjoy a +5% damage boost!

Note1: The damage buff will effect magical attacks for magic classes
Note2: The damage buff will not show your stats increased through the stats window. It is applied to the formula calculated that shows the damage done to an enemy/mob. To view it in effect, use the player command "/buff"

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