

Note: Not all translations may be 100% accurate.

ROSO Game Guide

Welcome to our Game Guide! These guide(s) were made in order to help you out in your journey through ROSO!

For more information about any item(s) or monster(s) in our server, check out our Game Database

Note: You can hover your mouse over any icon for more details about that item.

Last Update on: June 12th, 2018

Daily Achievements

Daily Tasks

Daily Achievements have replaced Daily Quests! They are now available to anybody who wishes to do them!

To get started visit Commander Smith in Icicle City (1298,526)

From there you can obtain different tasks that you'll need to achieve.

Task RatingsTasks

Note1: You can only choose up to 7 different tasks to do per day. Select the ones you want to do carefully.


The task options that you have are quite simple. Most of them are things you may already do daily, or if not encourage you to do daily.

Rating ARating BRating C
Rating DRating F

When you select a task, you'll be given a simple description of what you'll have to do. Once you've decided on a task you'll need to accept it.

Task OverviewAccept Task

At any time you want to see your progress on your tasks, use the new player command "/daily" or "/task"


Each Task has a rating that will determines their difficulty or "worth".

You'll be rewarded Achievement Badges depending on the rating of the task.

Rating ARating BRating CRating DRating F
Badges5x 4x 3x 2x 1x

[Achievement Shop]

You can spend your badges in the Achievement Shop. To go to it, visit Cadet Roger in Icicle City (1293,530)

Note1: New items will be added to the shop periodically